1. 当你在一个城市旅游,找不到你要去的公园时,你会问:
A. Where is the park?
B. How do you get there?
C. How can I get there?
2. 当你告诉别人向左拐,然后直走,就能看见钟楼时,你该这样描述:
A. Turn left and you'll see Bell Tower.
B. Turn right, then go straight and you'll see Bell Tower.
C. Turn left, then go straight and you'll see Bell Tower.
3. 当你想知道奶奶的生日时,你会这样问爸爸:
A. When is grandma's birthday?
B. When is your birthday?
C. What time is your birthday?
4. 当你告诉别人你有时步行去动物园时,你应说:
A. I often go to the zoo on foot.
B. Sometimes I go to the zoo on foot.
C. I never go to the zoo on foot.
5. 当妈妈问你正在干什么时,你会说:
A. I play computer games.
B. I'm playing computer games.
C. I like playing computer games.