What does these signs mean ? A B C 查看更多




  Tim is eight. Sam is eight, too. They are friends. One day on their way to school. They see a bear. Tim climbs a tree. Sam can't climb a tree. He is on the ground. The bear smells Sam. It doesn't eat Sam. It goes away, Tim climbs down the tree. He asks Sam, " What does the bear say?"

1. Tim and Sam are both eight years old.______

2. They see a bear in the school. _____

3. Tim and Sam climb a tree. ______

4. The bear eats Sam. ______


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Fred. I was in Class three last year. I started to go to school when I was six years old. And now I am eleven years old. I like to go to school because there are many good friends at school. But the school isn't near my house, so every morning, Dad takes me to school by motorbike and I have to have lunch at school.


How old was Fred last year? ten

1.When did Fred start school? ________

2.Who does Fred go to school with? ________

3.Where does Fred have lunch? ________

I have many lessons at school. I can learn a lot there. Every teacher is friendly and I like all of them. And my favourite teacher is my music teacher named Mrs. Brown who has beautiful fair hair. I always have fun in her class because I love music very much. In her class I learn to play the piano. But I can only have it once a week. After class she sometimes plays with us.

4.How are the school teachers? ________

5.What hair does Mrs. Brown have? ________

6.How often does Fred have music lesson? ________

After school I usually do my homework first and then play soccer with my best friend Jim on the sports field. That is the sport which I like most. But I can't play soccer on the fourth day of the school because I always have much homework to do.

7.What does Fred do first after school? ________

8.On what day can't Fred play soccer? ________

But yesterday I didn't play soccer. I had a temperature. So I didn't go to school and slept on the bed for a day. Some of my friends came to my house to see me after school and they bought me some cookies. Mom asked them to have supper with me and they did so. We had pasta and soup. I thought I could go to school again the next day.

9.What was the matter with Fred yesterday? ________

10.What did Fred's friends buy for him? ________



Hello!I’m Linda.Do you know me?I’m a student, I like rabbits and monkeys, but I don’t like foxes.My father is a vet.He likes animals a lot.My mother works in a hospital(医院), What does she do?Yes, she’s nurse.She doesn’t like snakes.We all like pandas.


Linda doesn’t like monkeys and rabbits.

(  )


Linda’s father likes animals.

(  )


Linda’s father can help animals, he is a doctor.

(  )


Linda’s mother works in the hospital, she’s a nurse.

(  )


Linda’s family all like pandas.

(  )



(  )1、A:They were in space.

B:They were in a spaceship.

(  )2、A:Peter came third.

B:Peter was third.

(  )3、A:I had a dream last night.

B:You had a dream last night.

(  )4、A:Mocky visit Ann and Ken every day.

B:Mocky visited Ann and Ken yesterday.

(  )5、A:What’s Mocky eating?

B:What does Mocky eat?

(  )6、A:I clean my room every day.

B.I didn’t clean my room yesterday.


Look at the pictures and read the story- Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words.

David doesn't like school very much. tie loves Sports and Art but he doesn't like Maths and English. His father always tells him, “You must study English carefully because it is important.”But David doesn't believe him.


What does David like at school?    Sports and Art

1.What does he hate?       ________

2.Why should he study English?  ________

One day David was reading the newspaper He said to his Dad, “Look, Dad, some famous f English footballers are coming to our town. Please will you take me to watch the football game?”But it was too late. There were no more places. David was very sad.

3.Where were the footballers from?    ________

4.What did David want to see?      ________

The day before the game David went to school in the morning. The teacher told them, “A famous person is coming to visit you all this afternoon.”It was an English footballer! He played football with David and his friends in the playground and spoke to the children in English. David couldn't understand him. Now David studies English hard because he wants to play football in England one day.

5.Which famous person visited the school?  ________

6.Where did he play football with David?   ________

7.How does David study English now?   ________

