I like taking photos in the park. 查看更多



What would you like?

[  ]

A.I like pies.

B.I don’t like.

C.I’d like some pies.


Read and choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the given one(读一读,选出与原句意思相同的正确的句子)

My favourite fruit is apples.

[  ]

A.I like fruit is apple.

B.I like apples best.

C.I don't like bananas.


Read and choose the best answer

What do you like doing?

[  ]

A.I like playing tennis.

B.I don't play computer.

C.I like play soccer.


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

On my last birthday my uncle took my sister and me to Animal World. Animal World is a kind of zoo. I dont like zoos because sometimes the animals aren't happy there-but Animal World is different. There are big green fields for the ________ There they can jump and eat grass. The hippos have a big ________ and there are lots of trees and plants for the ________ , and for the parrots and other birds.

There is a small farm with rabbits, goats and chickens. children can ________ horses there.

At Animal World you can learn a lot-how animals live, the things they eat, the countries they come from.

When my uncle took us to Animal World, I ________ a picture of a tiger Now the picture is on my bedroom wall at ________

Whaf s the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.I don't like zoos

B.My tiger picture

C.Animal World




I like t_____ shoes. These shoes are just r_____. I don't like t_____ shoes. Those shoes are too big.

