When’s (he) birthday ?23. Now the children are the song . 查看更多



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers.


Tony didn't come to school today. The teacher asked me to go to his house to see him. I arrived at his home and saw Tony ________ in bed. I asked him what was wrong with him He told me what happened this morning when he was going to school. “When I was ________ off the school bus, someone behind me pushed me. And I ________ down the bus. And my leg was broken now.” he said. “How long will you be like this?” I asked. He said, “I'm not sure.” I said to him, Don't “________! I can help you. I can take you to school by bike every day.” Tony was very happy after he ________ that.

What's the best name for this story? Tick one box.

My Friend Tony  

Tony's Worst Day.  

Making Friends  



(     ) 1. A. My birthday is in September.
    B. My birthday is in October.
    C. My birthday isn't in October.
(     ) 2. A. When's your birthday?
    B. When's his birthday?
    C. When's her birthday?
(     ) 3. A. It's May 4th.
    B. It's June 5th.
    C. It's March 3rd.
(     ) 4. A. When's Teachers' Day?
    B. When's Children's Day?
    C. When's Women's Day?


Let's play and chant (说说唱唱,一起玩)

  Hop, hop, hopscotch.

  Let's play hopscotch.

  Left, left.

  Turn left.

  Right, right.

  Turn right.

  Around, around.

  Let's turn around.

  Are you happy?

  Yes, we are.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  One, two, three, four.

  Let's do it.

  Book, book. Put it on your head.

  Pencil, pencil. Put it in the box.

  Eraser, eraser. Put it next to, next to the chair.

  Hop, hop.

  Let's hop inside, inside the house.



Find the difference  Examiner's copy

Find the difference  Candidate's copy

Information exchange  Examiner's copy

Betty                David



Information exchange  Examiner's copy

Betty                David



Tell the story

