What in the basket? There some apples in it. (be) 查看更多



1. 这是一件女衬衣.
[     ]
A. This is a blouse.    
B. This is a shirt.     
C. This is a broom.
2. 这是一双袜子.
[     ]
A. This is a sock.    
B. This is a pair of sock.     
C. This is a pair of socks.
3. 她是一个中国女孩.
[     ]
A. He is a China girl.    
B. She is a Japanese girl.     
C. She is a Chinese girl.
4. 在图片里的是什么?
[     ]
A. What's in the picture?    
B. What's in picture?     
C. What in the picture?
5. 他的上衣是什么颜色的?
[     ]
A. What is colour his coat?    
B. What colour is her coat?     
C. What colour is his coat?
6. 真好看.
[     ]
A. How old are you!    
B. How nice!     
C. What a good!
7. 咱们去你们家吧!
[     ]
A. Let go to your house.  
B. Let's go to your house.  
C. Let's to go to your house.
8. 今天,你能和我一起玩吗?
[     ]
A. Can you play with me today?  
B. Can you play me today?
C. Are you play with me today?
9. 你住在哪里?
[     ]
A. Where do you live?                  
B. Where are you from? 
C. Where do you live in?
10. 林涛1.8米高。
[     ]
A. Lin Tao is 1.8 tall metres.        
B. Lin Tao is tall 1.8 metres.                  
C. Lin Tao is 1.8 metre tall.          
D. Lin Tao is 1.8 metres tall.


— ____________________?
— A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

[     ]

A. Where is the classroom
B. What's in the classroom
C. What in the classroom


Look at the picture and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Kitty and Jack Walt were playing in the street when they saw a man. He was carrying a big envelope in his hand and he walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The man gave it to their father.


(1)Where were Kitty and Jack playing? ________

(2)Whom was the letter to? ________

(3)Who walked into their house? ________

  Their father opened the letter and looked very happy.

  “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!”

  “What's this?” Kitty and Jack asked.

  “We've won a prize.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!”

  “We are going to stay in a hotel in Paris and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only 4 tickets to get there!”

(4)How did the father look when he read the letter? ________

(5)What have they won for the prize? ________

(6)Where are they going to live in Paris? ________

(7)What else do they need for the holiday? ________


Read and fill in the blanks(读一读,填一填)

Hello, Mary. Sit down please. Have some ________, please. We've got lots of them, for example, ________, ________, ________ and ________. What do you like to eat? You want some ________? OK, here you are.



--What's in the playground?

--There is a _______.

