How many rooms are there in this building? 查看更多



1. I like a _____________ (d s c a h n w i)  and milk for lunch. 
2. We want to have three _____________ (k s a c e).
3. My friends are playing _____________ (b k e l a b l s a t).
4. When you _____________ (t e e m) an old man on the bus, you should give your seat to him.
5. There are many _____________ (k o o s t b r o y s) on the bookshelf.  
6. Which is your _____________ (e t f i o u a v r) festival, Kate?
7. I want to buy some _____________ (s e s n p r e t) for my father.
8. Today is the sixth of _____________ (g s t u u A).
9. How many _____________ (s a e n o s s) are there in a year?
10. I went to _____________ (e p s k u r m a r e t) last Friday.


Read and fill in the blanks. 请你根据首字母和汉语提示写单词,将下列句子补充完整。
1. I want to send this l____ (信) to my mother.  
2. How many p___ (明信片) are there?   
3. This is an e____ (电子邮件).   
4. Can you point to the t ____ (顶部) of the picture?  
5. How much is the s____ (邮票)?   
6. You can play on the c____ (电脑).   
7. You can put a card in an e____ (信封).  
8. Go straight and turn r____ (右).   
9. Excuse me, where is the p____  o____ (邮局)?  
10. Now it's in the top, left c____ (角落).


1. Look! Here is a ____________ (a r i t b b). 
2. I have a lovely ____________ (g o d).
3. Look at the dress. It is ____________ (c e i n). 
4. How many tomatoes? ____________ (e l v e w T). 
5. This is my shirt. It is too ____________ (m a l l s). 


1. Look! I have a new b_ _k.                                               
2. Is this your r_l _ _?
3. May I look at your p_nc_l-c_se?
4. How many b_ g _ do you have?
5. Do you like the red p_ _?


(     ) 1. How many books do you have? 
(     ) 2. What colour is your pen?    
(     ) 3. Who is she?                 
(     ) 4. Can you spell this word?    
(     ) 5. May I have a look?        
A. She is Lily.         
B. My pen is black.     
C. Sure. Here you are.                               
D. Eleven.              
E. G-I-R- L-girl.     

