any books in the bookcase? 查看更多




Chen: What are you going to do this weekend?

Sarah: I'm going to plant trees.

Chen: Plant trees?

Sarah: Yes. I need some plants. So I'm going to the plant shop. What else? Let me see……

Chen: Are you going to use any books?

Sarah: Yes. I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.

Chen: That's great.

Sarah: I want to be a science teacher one day!

Choose the best answer.

(1) Sarah is going to ____ this weekend.

A. plant tree B. go shopping C. post office

(2) Sarah want to be a _____ in the future.

A. doctor B. Chinese teacher C. science teacher

(3) Sarah is going to buy a _____at the bookstore.

A. English book B. Chinese book C. magazine about plants


Chen: What are you going to do this weekend?    
Sarah: I'm going to plant trees.     
Chen: Plant trees?       
Sarah: Yes, I need some plants. So I'm going to the plant shop. What else? Let me see...     
Chen: Are you going to use any books?        
Sarah: Yes. I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.          
Chen: That's great!      
Sarah: I want to be a science teacher one day!
1. What is Sarah going to do on the weekend?   
    She is going to                                           .
2. Where is Sarah going to buy the plants? 
3. What is Sarah going to buy in the bookstore?    
    She is going to                                           .
4. What does Sarah want to be in the future?   
    She wants to be                                          .


Chen: What are you going to do __________ __________ (这个周末)?
Sarah: I'm going to __________ __________ (植树).
Chen: __________ __________?
Sarah: Yes, I __________ (需要) some plants. So I'm going to the plant __________ (商店).
Chen: Are you going to use any books?
Sarah: Yes. I' m going to the __________ (书店).


Chen: What are you going to do this weekend?
Sarah: I'm going to plant trees.
Chen: Are you going to use any books?
Sarah: Yes. I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.
Chen: That's great!
Sarah: I want to be a science teacher one day!
1. What is Sarah going to do on the weekend?
2. What is Sarah going to buy in the bookstore?
3. What does Sarah want to be in the future?


Read and choose.
Gary: How was your trip to the city, Henry? Tell me about it!
Henry: It was very bad.
Gary: What happened?
Henry: Well, I wanted to go to the zoo. but it had a heavy rain that day.
Gary: Where did you go then?
Henry: Then I went to the museum but it was closed for the holiday.
Gary: Did you go anywhere then?
Henry: Yes, I did. I went to a restaurant for lunch. But I found an insect in my soup!      
Gary: That was too bad.
Henry: I went to a bookstore and wanted to buy some books. But I didn't have enough money.
Gary: Oh, poor Henry.                                               
                                                                                    Yes    No
(1)Henry had a nice trip to the city                                  口    口
(2)Henry had a great time in the zoo.                               口    口
(3)1t was snowy that day.                                               口    口
(4) Henry wanted to visit the museum but it didn't open.   口    口
(5) Henry went to buy insects in a restaurant                    口    口
(6) Henry didn't buy any books.                                      口    口

