A: is the diary? B:It’s under the chair. 查看更多




there, on, table, a, is, the, melon.    

There _____ a ______ on the _______.        


inside     outside     in front of     behind     beside
(      )
   A wolf is ____________ the rock.
(      )
      The birds are ______________ the house.
(      )
 A donkey is ____________ a ____________.
(      )
   A tiger is ____________ the tree.
(      )
  A ____________ is ____________ the house.
(      )
   A monkey is ____________ the box.


A: Where is the teacher's office?
B: It's on the first floor.
A: Where is the art room?
B: It's on the second floor. The music room is on the second floor, too.
A: Is the canteen on the first floor?
B: Yes, it is. And the washroom is on the first floor, too.  
A: Do you have a TV room?
B: No, we don't. But we have a gym. It's on the second floor.

1. _________ 2._________  3. __________
4. _________ 5. _________ 6. __________           


A: Where is the teacher's office?
B: It's on the first floor.
A: Where is the art room?
B: It's on the second floor; The music room is on the second floor, too.
A: Is the canteen on the first floor?
B: Yes, it is. And the washroom is on the first floor, too.
A: Do you have a TV room?
B: No, we don't. But we have a gym. It's on the second floor.
gym     TV room    music room    art room
washroom    teacher's office    canteen
1. _____________  2. _____________  3. _____________
4. _____________  5. _____________  6. _____________              


A: Is the weather in your town ______________?
B: Yes, it is. The ______________ in four ______________ is quite different.
A: How about the weather in ______________?
B: It's ______________ and ______________. It's very ______________.
A: Is it ______________ in ______________?
B: Yes, it's very ______________. People like ______________ ______________ ______________
   in the evening.
A: How about in ______________?
B: It's ______________ and ______________.
A: Which ______________ do you like ______________?
B: I like ______________ best.
A: Why?
B: Because it often ______________ in it. I like to ______________ ______________ and
   ______________ ______________ ______________ with my friends.
A: So you have a lot of fun?
B: Yes, we do.

