A: do you have dinner? B: At 6 o’clock. 句子的种类 类别 用法 标点 例句 陈述句 肯定 叙述一件事情或说明说话人的看法 . This is a bag. That's my book. 否定 I can see a bag over there. I don't know. 疑问句 一般 用于提出问题 ? Are you a student? Do you like puppets? Can you speak English? 特殊 What's your name? Where's my bag? How many trees are there? 选择 Is your friend a boy or a girl? 反意 It's a fine day, isn't it? 祈使句 表示命令或请求.建议 .或! Put it here! Look at the noticeboard. 感叹句 表示惊讶.喜悦.赞美.厌恶或愤怒等强烈感情 ! How smart! Glad to see you! What a nice pencil case! 练一练: 查看更多





--Ow, my legs hurt.

A. Do you like music?

B. What do you do after school

C. Are you all right




--I play basketball.

A. Do you like music

B. What do you do after school

C. Are you all right




--We need some flour, two eggs and sugar.

A. Do you have any salt and butter

B. What are you doing

C. What do you need



A: _______1_______

B: I come from England.

A: _______2_______

B: Football. All the English people like football.

A: _______3_______

B: Beckham(贝克汉姆).

A: I like football, too. I like Beckham. In China, Hao Haidong is my favorit football star.

B: _______4_______

A: I like Dalian Shide best.

B: _______5_______

A: Good idea! Let's go.

A. Do you like football?

B. Who is your favorite football player?

C. Where are you from?

D. Let's go and play football on the playground?

E. Becklam is the best player, I think.

F. Which team do you like best?

G. Which sport do you like best?




--Oh, it looks great. I like it a lot.

A. Do you like it

B. How about this one

C. How much is it

