( )Mimi is as as Bobby. A. heavier B. heavy C. lighter D.lower 查看更多



Read and fill in the banks with the given words (Do you know it?)

bee  cow  snake  ox

Example:He is busy as a bee.

(1)Ted is strong as an ________.

(2)The man is sly as a ________.

(3)He is fat as a ________.


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  One of the animals that helps people most is the dog. In some countries, dogs pull wagons(四轮马车)like horses. In the cold land of the North, dogs pull sledges(雪橇).

  There are other ways that dogs help us, too. Policemen use them to look for missing people. Soldiers(士兵)use them to carry letters and medicines.

  On farms, dogs are used to watch sheep. They keep them together in the fields. At night, they take the sheep home. Dogs help blind people(盲人), too.

  Different dogs do different kinds of work. Some are good at one kind, some are good at another. Do you know what kind of dogs takes care of sheep?

(1)In the North, dogs are used to pull ________.

[  ]


(2)Which of the following is true? ________

[  ]

A.All dogs can help to do any kind of work.

B.Dogs help blind people.

C.The kind of dogs that can pull sledges can also look after sheep.

D.Dogs help farmers by keeping the sheep together at home.

(3)The story as a whole is about ________.

[  ]

A.finding missing people


C.pulling sledges

D.how dogs help people


Read the poem(朗读下面的小诗)

   A Book

  A book is a joy   书对孩子们来说

  To a girl and a boy  是高兴,是愉快

  A book is to me   书对我来说

  As a flower to a bee  就像花儿对蜜蜂一样



Kate is 7 years old. Mary is 7 years too. Mary is ____ Kate.

A.the same as B. as young as C. as strong as



Kate's Bedroom

  Kate has a bedroom.There's a bed, a desk, a bookcase(书橱)and two chairs in it.It has a green door and two clean windows.There's a clock on the wall.It's made(制造)in Shanghai.

  It's seven in the evening.Kate is sitting at the desk.She is doing her homework.Kate has a black cat.It's lovely.It is playing with a toy mouse.


There is a door in Kate's bedroom.

(  )


The windows are green.

(  )


The clock on the wall is made in Shanghai.

(  )


Kate as a lovely dog.

(  )


Her cat is playing.

(  )


She is sitting on the desk.

(  )


Kate is playing with her black cat.

(  )

