Nancy sing than Helen? Yes, she . 查看更多



1. My brother is two years _____________ (old) than me.
2. Tom is as _____________ (fat) as Jim.
3. Who is _____________ (thin), you or Helen?  Helen is.
4. Does Nancy sing _____________ (well) than Helen?  Yes, she does.
5. Which is _____________ (heavy), the elephant or the pig?
6. Whose pencil-box is _____________ (big), yours or hers?  Hers is.
7. You have seven books, but I have _____________ (many) than you. I have ten.
8. I jump _____________ (far) than some of the boys in my class.
9. I'm very tall, but she's _____________ (tall) than me.
10. It gets _____________ and _____________ (warm) when spring comes.

