Are these tickets? No, are not . aren’t here. 查看更多




--Are these beans?

--No, they aren't.They're c_____.


Look at the example and write the sentences(仿照例句写句子)

Example: These are rabbits.

Are these rabbits? Yes, they are.

Are these sheep? No, they aren't.





Read and answer the questions

  One day Mr. Robinson saw a lady on the street with ten children. The children wore the same clothes.

  “Are these children yours?” Asked Mr. Robinson.


  “Do you always dress them in the same clothes”, asked Mr. Robinson.

  “Yes. When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we didn't want to lose them. Now, we have ten. We dress them like these because we don't want to take other children.”

(1)What did Mr. Robinson see?


(2)Were the children all the lady's?


(3)Why did she dress her children in the same clothes?



Read and choose the best answer

-Are these erasers his or hers?


[  ]

A.They are his.
B.Yes, they are hers.
C.Yes, they are.
D.No, they aren't.


Sentence transformation(将下列各句变成疑问句,并做出肯定或否定回答)

Example: These flowers for the teacher are red.

疑问:Are these flowers for the teacher red?

肯定:Yes, they are.

否定:No, they aren't.

There are some girls in front of the house.



