The jeans on the desk. 查看更多



Put the jeans in the desk.    
Put the shoes under the bed.     
Put the pants near the sofa.    
Put the socks on the chair.
(     ) 1. A.
(     ) 2. B.
(     ) 3. C.                                              
(     ) 4. D.


Read and answer. 阅读短文,并回答问题。
       Today is June tenth. The weather is sunny. Today I am wearing a pink blouse and blue jeans. Look, this is
my school. There is a big blackboard in my classroom. What are on my desk? There are two pencils and a 
white eraser on my desk. My favourite school work is to write stories. After class, my friends and I like to play
ping-pong on the playground (操场), We like different colours and different clothes. But we like the same sports
(运动). Our favourite sport is playing ping-pong.
1. What day is it? 
[     ]
A. It's June tenth.           
B. It's July tenth.           
C. It's June ninth. 
2. What am I wearing? 
[     ]
A. You're wearing a pink blouse and green jeans.            
B. You're wearing a blue blouse and pink jeans.             
C. You're wearing a pink blouse and blue jeans.
3. What are on the desk?
[     ]
A. There are three pencils on the desk.             
B. There are a white eraser on the desk.              
C. There are two pencils and a white eraser on the desk.
4. Am I a boy or a girl?
[     ]
A. You are a boy.             
B. You are a girl.            
C. I don't know.
5. What's my favourite school work?
[     ]
A. Your favourite school work is to write stories. 
B. Your favourite school work is to sing songs. 
C. Your favourite school work is to play ping-pong.


1. 你没手表,不知道时间,别人问:“What's the time?"时你回答:
[     ]
A. Sorry, I don't know.
B. Time to go home.
C. I've got a watch.
2. 你看到对方的牛仔裤太长了,你说:
[     ]
A. Your jeans are too short. Try this pair on.
B. Your jeans are too long. Try this one on.
C. Your jeans are too long. Try this pair on.
3. 你想知道钥匙是不是林涛的,你可以说:
[     ]
A. Whose key is this?
B. Is this your key?
C. This is your key, Lin Tao.
4. 当你想去公园时,如何向妈妈征求意见?
[     ]
A. Don't go to the park.
B. Go to the park.
C. Shall we go to the park?
5. 看到别人用的铅笔太短了,你说:
[     ]
A. You can have this long one.
B. You can have this short one.
C. Can you have this short one?
6. 你想知道对方几点睡觉,你说:
[     ]
A. What time do you get up?
B. It's time to go to bed.
C. What time do you go to bed?
7. 你想知道盒子里有什么东西,可以这样问:
[     ]
A. In which box?
B. What's in the box?
C. Is this a box?
8. 妈妈问你几点了,你回答是十一点二十分了:
[     ]
A. It's eleven twenty.
B. Eleven and twenty.
C. Eleven thirty.
9. 晚上你去参加朋友的生日聚会,见到朋友你打招呼说:
[     ]
A. Good night.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
10. 你看见同学在课桌上画画,应该劝阻他:
[     ]
A. Draw a cat, please.
B. Don't write on the desk.
C. Don't draw on the desk.

