He did his homework in the classroom. 查看更多




  Tony:Hi, Kent.I need your advice.I played with my daddy’s watch this morning and I broke it.

  Kent:That’s too bad.How did you break it?

  Tony:It fell(落下) to the ground from my hand.Then it broke.

  Kent:You should tell you father.It is an accident.He’ll understand.

  Tony:I can’t tell him.He told me I shouldn’t play with his watch.

  Kent:Maybe you can tell you mother.She will explain to you daa.

  Tony:Ok, that’s a good idea.I’ll try it.


Tony has a problem.He broke his daddy’s watch.

(  )


Kent asks Tony for some advice.

(  )


Kent says Tony shouldn’t tell his father.

(  )


Tony can play his daddy’s watch after doing homework.

(  )



Who put ink(墨水)on my chair?Tom is seven.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home.So he goes there on foot and comes back home early.But today he is late.His mother asks him,“Why are you late today?”“I was in the teacher’s office.”“Why did you go to the teacher’s office?”“Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I can.”“It’s good to answer the questions.”“but the questions was ‘Who put ink on my chair?’”


Tom lives near his school.

(  )


He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

(  )


Today Tom was late for school.

(  )


Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair.

(  )


The boy is a good boy, he can answer teacher’s question.

(  )



What is he _____?

A. doing   B. do   C. did


Read and write “T” or “F”

  Mr. Johnson worked in an office, and he did a lot of important and difficult work. But he began to forget things and this made his work very difficult. One day he said to himself, “I'm going to see a doctor about this.”

  Mr. Johnson hurried into Dr. Green's office, and the doctor said, “What can I do for you, Mr. Johnson?”

  “Oh, doctor,” said Mr. Johnson, “It's terrible. I can't remember anything for long. It's about a minute. And this is making my work very difficult. What can I do? Can you help me?”

  The doctor said, “When did this start?”

  “When did what start?” Mr. Johnson said.

(1)Mr. Johnson began to forget things. ________

(2)Mr. Johnson could remember things for only a month. ________

(3)Because of the trouble, Mr. Johnson went to see a doctor. ________

(4)The doctor found a way to help Mr. Johnson. ________



(  )1.A.late B.cake C.eight

(  )2.A.thank B.thin C.think

(  )3.A.sister B.six C.see

(  )4.A.mother B.there C.here

(  )5.A.my B.bye C.hi


(  )1.She’s Yang Ling.

(  )2.No, I’m not.I’m a teacher.

(  )3.The one in the blue shirt.

(  )4.Nice to meet you, too.

(  )5.Yes, he is.

(  )6.He’s my brother, Mike.

(  )7.He’s in that car.

(  )8.Let’s hurry.


A:________ that ________ your brother?

B:________ one?

A:The one in the ________ T-shirt.

B:No, he ________.________ my ________, Liu Tao.

A:Is he a ________?

B:________, he is.

