We have four c in the morning. 查看更多



      Hello, I'm Amy. I'm twelve years old. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four classes in the
morning and two in the afternoon. On Mondays we have math, Chinese and music. On Tuesdays we have
English and science. I like Wednesdays and Fridays, because we have computer classes. I like computer class.
I like my computer teacher. He is tall and cool. He's very smart.
1. How many classes does Amy have in the morning?
A. Two.
B. Four.
C. Six.
2. What do we have on Mondays?
A. Math, Chinese and music.
B. Computer class.
C. English and math.
3. I like ____________.
A. Mondays and Tuesdays
B. Wednesdays and Fridays
C. Tuesdays and Wednesdays
4. What's my computer teacher like?
A. He's tall and cool.
B. I like computer class.
C. Yes, he is.
5. How old is Amy?
A. 13.
B. 12.
C. 14.


      I 1________ a middle school student. I 2________ at NO. 17 Middle School. Our 3________ is big. I
4________ our school. We 5________ four classes 6________ the morning and two in 7________ afternoon. 
We study Chinese, English, maths and 8________ lessons. I like English. I 9________ English every day. 
Now I 10________ English.
(     ) 1. A. am          
(     ) 2. A. go          
(     ) 3. A. student     
(     ) 4. A. study       
(     ) 5. A. have        
(     ) 6. A. for         
(     ) 7. A. the           
(     ) 8. A. some        
(     ) 9. A. see         
(     ) 10. A. am listening
B. is      
B. come   
B. friend 
B. like    
B. give   
B. on            
B. a       
B. our    
B. read   
B. readng     
C. are       
C. study       
C. school      
C. teach       
C. are         
C. at          
C. an           
C. other       
C. look         
C. am reading   
D. be         
D. get                       

D. play       
D. do         
D. in          
D. every       
D. others     
D. listen      
D. listening to                                        


A. Yes, we do.
B. Good idea!
C. What colour is your teacher's desk?
D. What's in your classroom?
E. Where's your seat?
A: Good morning, Jack. Do you have a new classroom?
B: 1_______________________________________ It's big.
A: 2_______________________________________
B: Two boards, four fans, a teacher's desk, many desks and chairs.
A: 3_______________________________________
B: The teacher's desk is blue.
A: 4_______________________________________
B: My seat is near the window.
A: Let's clean the classroom, please.
B: 5_______________________________________


Alice: Hello, Jane.
Jane: Hello, Alice.
Alice: What day is it today?
Jane: It's Thursday.
Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane?
Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Computer Studies.
Alice: What subject do you like, Jane?
Jane: I like Art. How about you, Alice?
Alice:I like Art, too.
Jane: Oh, we like the same subject.
Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week?
Jane: Three. I hope we have more.
1. Does Alice like Art, too?    
A. Yes.    
B. No.    
C. I don't know.    
D. She likes.
2. Do Alice and Jane like the same subject?
B. No.    
C. I don't know.    
D. Maybe (可能吧).
3. How many Art lessons does Jane have a week?   
A. Two.    
B. Three.    
C. Four.    
D. Five.
4. What lessons does Jane have in the morning?   
A. Science.    
B. Chinese.
C. Art and Computer Studies.    
D. A, B and C.
5. What day is it today?
A. Monday.    
B. Tuesday.    
C. Wednesday.    
D. Thursday.


     Today is Wednesday, September   l   . It's warm and   2   .  I have breakfast      3    7: 30 in the
morning.  Then I go to school on my bike.  I work hard at school.  I   have   4   at school.  We have four
classes in the morning, and three classes in the afternoon.  I like _ 5   best.  Because I like to play
ping-pong.  I go h. ome at 4: 30 inthe afternoon.  Oh! It's Teachers' Day.  I give our teachers some
beautiful flowers.  I  love my teachers.     
(     ) 1. A. tenth    
(     ) 2. A. rainy    
(     ) 3. A. at        
(     ) 4. A. breakfast
(     ) 5. A. art      
B. third  
B. snowy  
B. of    
B. supper          
B. P. E.  
C. first  
C. sunny  
C. in      
C. lunch  
C. science            
1.  What day is it today?    
2.  What do you do at 4:30 in the afternoon?   
3.  How do you go to school?  
4.  How is the weather today?  
5.  What's your favourite subject?

