Can you speak J . 查看更多



(     ) 1. What are you going to do?
(     ) 2. May I speak to Helen?
(     ) 3. What's the weather like in spring?
(     ) 4. What's your favourite holiday7
(     ) 5.  How can I get to the post office?
(     ) 6. What's wrong with you?
(     ) 7. Whose bag is bigger, yours or mine?
(     ) 8.  How far is it from here?
(     ) 9. How old are you?
(     ) 10. How many stops are there?
A. Yes, speaking.
B. It's about two kilometres away.                        
C. Halloween.
D. Forty.
E. I've got a bad cold.
F. It's warm and windy.
G. Take bus No.5.
H. Only two.
L. We are going to have a picnic.
J. Yours is, I think.


(     )1. Where are you from?   
(     )2. Whose book is it?   
(     )3. See you tomorrow.   
(     )4. Happy birthday!   
(     )5. May I use your pen?
(     )6. What is it like?   
(     )7. How much is it?   
(     )8. Could I speak to Jean?
(     )9. How can I get to the park?
(     )10. Are you free tonight?
A. Sure, here you are.
B. Thank you.          
C. It's Tom's.      
D. I'm from Canada.  
E. See you.            
F. By subway.          
G. It's long and thin.                                                   
H. Yes, I am.          
I. Speaking.          
J. It's six yuan.    


(     ) 1. How much is it?
(     ) 2. What’s wrong with you?
(     ) 3. Will you join us?
(     ) 4. When and where shall we meet?   
(     ) 5. Do you know the way to the bank?
(     ) 6. What can I do for you?
(     ) 7. What do you think of it?
(     ) 8. Hello! Could I speak to Tom, please?
(     ) 9. What size do you want?
(     ) 10. What should I do?
A. Size 9, I think.
B. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.
C. It’s 10 yuan.
D. Yes, I want a T-shirt.
E. Speaking.
F. You’d better drink more water.
G. I’ve got a headache.
H. At 7: 00, at the school gate.
I. It looks nice for a girl.
J. You can take a bus to the bank.


A. Take care.           
C. Excuse me.            
E. Write soon!           
G. May I speak to Mike?  
I. Have a good trip.   
B. Thank you.        
D. Good luck!        
F. Can I help you?                                                                      
H. Keep in touch!  
J. You're welcome.


A. Hold     B. washing    C. that     D. What     E. doing
F. call       G. cleaning    H. play    I. drawing   J. reading
Jim: Hello! 
Mike: Hello! It's Mike. Can I speak to John, please? 
Jim: Sure. 1.          on please. He's 2.          the room. John, here is a 3.          for you. 
John: I'm coming. Who's 4.        
Jim: Mike. 
John: Thank you. 
John: Hello, Mike. 5.          are you doing?   
Mike: I'm talking to you. How's your family? 
John: Just fine. My mom is 6.          the clothes. My dad is 7.           the newspaper. My brother is 8.          
         his homework. My sister is 9.           pictures. 
Mike: Let's 10.           football together! 
John: Great! See you later. 
Mike: Bye!  

