How much is the trousers? Fifty yuan. 查看更多



(     ) 1. A. Tommy is a pilot.
(     ) 2. A. Lucy's mother is a doctor.
(     ) 3. A. Li Ming likes horses.
(     ) 4. A. Peter doesn't like tigers.
B. Tommy is a policeman.
B. Lucy's father is a doctor.
B. Li Ming likes foxes.
B. Peter likes tigers a lot.
5. Are you a vet? 
A. Yes, I am.
B. No, I'm not.
6. What size do you want?       
A. Medium, please.
B. Large, please.
7. How much are the trousers?     
A. They are sixty yuan.
B. They are fifty yuan.



1.A.Lucy’s mother is a doctor.(  )

B.Lucy’s father is a doctor.(  )

2.A.Li Ming likes horses.(  )

B.Li Ming likes foxes.(  )

3.A.Peter doesn’t like tigers.(  )

B.Peter likes tigers a lot.(  )

4.Are you a vet?

A.Yes, I am.(  )

B.No, I’m not.(  )

5.What size do you want?

A.Medium, please.(  )

B.Large, please.(  )

6.How much are the trousers?

A.They are sixty yuan.(  )

B.They are fifty yuan.(  )

