Jim have a dictionary. Do you have one? 查看更多



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1. Who likes juice?
[     ]
A. Sarah           
B. Emily           
C. Ben
2. Who likes cake?
[     ]
A. Emily and Sarah                  
B. Jim and Sarah              
C. Sarah and Ben                     
D. Ben, Emily and Sarah
3. Who dislikes fish?
[     ]
A. Ben and Jim                        
B. Sarah, Emily and Ben 
C. Sarah, Jim and Emily              
D. Sarah and Emily
4. Both (两者都) Sarah and Jim have             .
[     ]
A. fish     
B. rice     
C. icecream   
D. cake
5. Jim likes             , but (但是) Sarah, Emily and Ben don't like.
[     ]
A. fish      
B. noodles   
C. ice cream   
D. cake



Jim always ________(have)a lot of questions.


Look at the picture and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  My name is Henry. I was in Class three Grade four last year. I started to go to school at six years old. Right! Now I am eleven years old. I like to go to school because there are many good .friends in my school. The school is very far from my house. So usually my father takes me there by his bike.


(1)How old was Henry when he started to go to school? ________

(2)How does Henry go to school? ________

(3)Which grade is Henry in this year? ________

  At school, my favourite teacher is my maths teacher called Mrs. Brown. I like her class best because it is very interesting. I have maths lessons every day from Monday to Friday.

(4)What's Henry's favourite lesson? ________

(5)How many maths lessons does Henry have a week? ________

  After school I usually do my homework first and then play basketball on the sports field with my best friend Jim. That is my favourite sport. But I don't play it on the fourth day of the school. Because on that day I always have much homework to do.

(6)What does Henry do first after school? ________

(7)What day does Henry not play basketball? ________

(8)Where does Henry play basketball? ________

(9)Who's Henry's best friend? ________

(10)What's Henry's favourite sport? ________


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

A very famous man lives opposite me. His name is Mr Banks. His house is very big It has ten bedrooms and a beautiul garden. He has four new cars and he flies to work in a helicopter He has parties every Saturday ________ He plays the piano and ________ very well.

We are not famous and we don't have a big house, but Mr Banks always says “Hello”to us. His sister and my Mum are good friends. On Tuesday morning last week. I ________ out of my window. There was a lot of snow. The garden was white, the trees were white, the tops of the houses were white. It was beautiful.

Then I ________ about school. I went ________ to find my Mum. “Mum,” I said, “I can't go to school today because there's snow on the roads.”“Oh yes you can!”she said.

“Look, Mr Banks is here. He wants to help you.”I looked at Mr Banks. He said, “Jim, would you like to go to school in a helicopter this morning?”

I ________ and shouted, “Yes, please!”

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.A helicopter ride

B.Mr Banks' party

C.A holiday in the snow


Liu Tao: I want to write a letter.     
Mum: Who do you want to write to?     
Liu Tao: Mike. I want to be his pen-friend. I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.     
Mum: Who's Mike?     
Liu Tao: He's an English boy. He lives in London.    
       Mike is from____and lives in London. Liu Tao         to write a letter           him. He           about Mike in 
the newspaper yesterday afternoon. Liu Tao wants to            Mike's pen-friend.
        Bob and Jim worked in the same factory. One day Jim borrowed(借)ten dollars from Bob, but then Jim
left his work and went to work in another town, so he didn't give back the money. Bob didn't see Jim for a year.
Later, he knew from a friend where Jim was. So one day he went there to see him late in the evening. When he
got to Jim's room, he saw his shoes near the door. "Well, he must be in. " he thought. He knocked at the door. 
There was no answer. He knocked again and said, "I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here. "    
 (     ) 1. Bob and Jim worked in the same school.        
 (     ) 2. Bob got some money from Jim.       
 (     ) 3. Jim didn't give back the money when he went to another town.       
 (     ) 4. Jim didn't meet Bob for two years.       
 (     ) 5. When Bob knocked at the door, Jim opened.                                             
        The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father
buys groceries(食品杂货)for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pam's brother, helps to cut 
grass in their garden.        
        The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football.  They 
always have a good time there.       
        It is happy when a family works and plays together.  
 (     ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family?                    
             A. Two.                    B. Three.                 C. Four.                D. Five.        
 (     ) 2. The Road family likes to                 .  
             A. go on a picnic        B. go shopping         C. have a rest         D. go to the park       
 (     ) 3. When the family work together, they feel                    
              A. tired                     B. happy                 C. angry                 D. sad        
 (     ) 4.            cuts the grass in the garden.                    
             A. Father                   B. Mother                C. Pam                  D. John
 (     ) 5. A good title(标题)for the passage is                  .  
             A. A family works and plays together                 B. Cleaning the rooms     
             C. A big family                                                D. Pam and her parents

