( ) Can you finish the book in three days? A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads 查看更多



Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  V v V v V v

  Can you see the letter V v?

  V v V v V v

  I can see the letter V v.

  Letter V v looks like a goat.

  Look at that boy.

  He is between the two goats.


Read and choose the best answer

-Can you tell me the way to the office, please?


[  ]

A.This way, please.

B.No, I don't know.

C.Don't ask me.

D.Yes, over there.


Can you come tomorrow then?

[  ]

A.You can come.

B.I'll ask my mum.

C.It's today.


Read the words of each group. Can you find the difference?(读一读下组词,你能读出区别吗)

here  there


Read and reorder the sentences.(读一读,重新排列,组成对话)

A)Yes, I can.What are we going to do?

B)Yes, we are going to play games after lunch.

C)Are we going to play games?

D)Oh, great!

E)We are going to have lunch together.

F)Hi, Dongdong, can you come to my birthday party?

G)Your birthday party?

H)Yes, tomorrow is my birthday.I am going to have a party.Can you come?


