Here’s letter for Mei mei. 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

It was Jimmy's birthday yesterday. And now he is five years old. He got a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum. It was a present from his grandfather.


What was Jimmy's age last year? four years old

1.What did Jimmy get on his birthday? ________

2.Who gave him the drum for his birthday? ________

Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he didn't hear the noisy sound of the drum.

3.What did Jimmy do with the drum? ________

4.When was Jimmy's father at work? ________

5.What was Jimmy doing when his father arrived home? ________

But a woman who lived next door didn't like the sound of the drum at all. So one morning a few days later, she took a knife and went to Jimmy's house when he was hitting his drum. She said to him, “Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there is something nice inside your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it together.”

6.What was Jimmy doing when the woman came in? ________

7.What did the woman want to do? ________



--Here's a cake for you.


A. Thank you

B. Here you are

C. Sorry, I have no cake



(  )1.A.four B.forty C.fork

(  )2.A.bowl B.ball C.balloon

(  )3.A.bread B.head C.belt

(  )4.A.chopstick B.chips C.chopsticks

(  )5.A.bottle B.water bottle C.spoon


(  )I’d like to try.

(  )What’s for lunch?

(  )There’s no tea in the cup.

(  )Here’s a knife for you.

(  )Where’s the plate?

(  )Where are my chopsticks?


(  )1.A.It’s red.

B.It’s on the desk.

C.I have two pencils.

(  )2.A.They’re Tom’s plates.

B.It’s my plate.

C.They’re in the cupboard.

(  )3.A.I can climb trees.

B.He can climb trees.

C.Yes, I can.

(  )4.A.A bike and a car.

B.Milk and bread.

C.Birds and a tiger.


1.-________ the ________?

-It’s ________ the ________

2.-What’ s for breakfast?

-________ ________ and ________.

3.________ no ________ in the ________



My father is a cook. He can cook very well. He cooks dinner for Mother and me every day.

Today is Father's birthday. Mother say: "Your father is too tired. He needs a break. What can we do for him? " Mother and I think and think.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon. Mother and I come into the room. Mother says: "David, here's a birthday cake for you." I can cook today." I say: "Happy birthday, Father. Here's a birthday present for you. I can wash the dishes and bowls. You like to watch TV. Please sit in the sofa and watch it."

(1) My father's name is David.

(2) He is a good cook but his doesn't cook for us every day.

(3) I cook dinner today.

(4) Mother gives Father a birthday cake.

(5) Father can watch TV now.



--Mum, I hurt my finger!

--Don't worry. I can help you. Here's a _____ for your finger.

A. cake    B. water   C. bandage

