Ⅰ.听录音.选出你听到的单词或短语.(听两遍.共8题.每小题1分.计8分) 1.( )A. race B. grass C. glass 2.( )A. present B. parents C. presents 3.( )A. take a walk B. keep off C. take off 4.( )A. June 6 B. July 16 C. June 16 5.( )A. No parking. B. No littering. C. No smoking. 6.( )A. dear B. near C. year 7.( )A. wait B. away C. always. 8.( )A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t Ⅱ.听录音.给下列图片标上序号.(听两遍.共8题.每小题1分.计8分) 4 2 1 Ⅲ.听录音.判断所听内容是否与图意相符.相符的打“√ .不相符的打“╳ .(听三遍.共8题.每小题1分.计8分) 3 8 7 61 5 Ⅳ.听录音.选出合适的应答句.(听三遍.共6题.每小题1分.计6分) 1.( )A. It means “Be quiet . B. It means you should make noise. C.Yes,it does. 2.( )A. He likes dancing. B. She'd like a camera. C. He wants a camera. 3.( )A. It’s on the 4th of April. B. It’s the 4th of April. C. It’s on Thursday. 4.( )A. No, there weren’t. B. Yes, there wasn’t. C.No, there wasn’t. 5.( )A. It was under the table. B. They were on the sofa. C. They are on the sofa. 6.( )A. No,I'd like to. B.Yes, I'd like to. C.Yes, I like. 查看更多




(  )1.A.four B.forty C.fork

(  )2.A.bowl B.ball C.balloon

(  )3.A.bread B.head C.belt

(  )4.A.chopstick B.chips C.chopsticks

(  )5.A.bottle B.water bottle C.spoon


(  )I’d like to try.

(  )What’s for lunch?

(  )There’s no tea in the cup.

(  )Here’s a knife for you.

(  )Where’s the plate?

(  )Where are my chopsticks?


(  )1.A.It’s red.

B.It’s on the desk.

C.I have two pencils.

(  )2.A.They’re Tom’s plates.

B.It’s my plate.

C.They’re in the cupboard.

(  )3.A.I can climb trees.

B.He can climb trees.

C.Yes, I can.

(  )4.A.A bike and a car.

B.Milk and bread.

C.Birds and a tiger.


1.-________ the ________?

-It’s ________ the ________

2.-What’ s for breakfast?

-________ ________ and ________.

3.________ no ________ in the ________


听录音,选出你听到的动物( )



A. chair B. much C. peach



A. black clock sock

B. clock black sock

C. sock clock black



A. there these those

B. these those there

C. there those these

