a. It's the 7th of Septenber. 2.a. Listen, whose mobil phone is ringing. b. What date is it today ? b. Is it in your bag? c. Good idea . c. It's mine. I can't find it. d. Let's make some cards forour teathers. d. No, it isn't.It was there a moment ago. e. Oh, Teathers' Day is coming soon . e.Where is it? → → → → c a → → → → Ⅸ. .根据图片.填入所缺单词. 1.Today is Sports Day. All the students are very . 查看更多



(     )1. A. Yes, I'd love to.      
(     )2. A. Yes, I do.             
(     )3. A. No, she isn't.         
(     )4. A. It's the 17th of April.
(     )5. A. Yes, he did.           
B. Yes, I am.         
B. I like winter best.
B. Yes, she is.          
B. It's Thursday.          
B. Yes, he was.     
C. No, I don't.                
C. Yes, I like winter.          
C. No, she doesn't.      
C. It's on the 17th of April.  
C. Yes, he is.            


(     ) 1. Why don't we make a model ship?   
(     ) 2. What's the date today?           
(     ) 3. Look at my new skirt.             
(     ) 4. Can I have a look?               
(     ) 5. My grandfather is ill.         
A. It's the first of June.  
B. Sure. Here you are.                                                   
C. I'm sorry to hear that.   
D. All right.                
E. How nice!               


(     ) 1. A. It's the most interesting game.     
            B. It's the most exciting subject.     
(     ) 2. A. I feel hungry in the afternoon.     
            B. I feel tired after school.     
(     ) 3. A. We should take deep breaths.     
            B. We should take a vacation.     
(     ) 4. A. Which sunglasses do you prefer?     
            B. Which animal do you hate?     
(     ) 5. A. He is going to guitar class at 4 pm on Sunday.     
            B. She is going to the movies at 10:30 pm on Friday.     
(     ) 6. A. I have to water the plants twice a week.     
            B. I had to feed and walk pets once a day.  


(     )l. A. He is swim.         
(     )2. A. It's the lst of May.
(     )3. A. No, he can't.       
(     )4. A. Ten pencils.      
(     )5. A. No, there aren't.   
(     )6. A. It's on Yangzi Road.
B. She is swimming.           
B. It's Monday.                  
B. Yes, she can.               
B. About ten yuan.            
B. Yes, there are.            
B. Three kilometers away.
C. He is swimming.       
C. It's on the lst of May.
C. She can play the piano.
C. They're ten.           
C. No, there weren't.        
C. Go along this street.


(     ) 1. A. He was in the classroom.
           B. He was in the teachers' office.
           C. He was in Miss Gao's home.
(     ) 2. A. It's the first of June.
           B. It's the thirty-first of June.
           C. It's the thirty-first of May.
(     ) 3. A. It's Nancy's. 
           B. It's Miss Li's.
           C. We don't know. 
(     ) 4. A. On the 2nd of June. 
           B. On the 3rd of June.
           C. On the 4th of June. 
(     ) 5. A. Because he likes to collect stamps.
           B. Because he wants to send a postcard.
           C. Because he want to send a letter.

