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31. -Why are you so excited?

    -Peter invited me _______ on a trip to Yuntai Mountain.

   A. to go     B. go      C. going     D. went


30. Soft drinks _______ to children for free in some restaurants on Children’s Day.

    A. offer             B. have offered

    C. are offered           D. will be offered


29. -What do you think of the dress?

     -Wonderful. I don’t think I can find a _________ one.

   A. good     B. better     C. bad      D. worst


28. -Mr Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well?

    -Sure. But remember nothing can be learned _________ hard work.

   A. by      B. at       C. without    D. for


27. -Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow?

     -I’m afraid not. Don’t _________ what you can do today till tomorrow.

   A. put on    B. put down    C. put up     D. put off


26. _______ you wait a few more minutes? It’ll be your turn soon.

   A. Must     B. Should    C. Could     D. Might


25. -I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.

     -Sorry, I ______ with my friends at that time.

   A. swim     B. swam     C. will swim    D. was swimming


24. You won’t feel happy at school ______ you get on well with your classmates.

   A. though    B. when     C. unless     D. because


23. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some________?

   A. advice    B. decisions    C. information   D. messages


22.-Will you take part in the English speech competition tomorrow?

     -Sure. I see as a chance to prove_________.

   A. myself   B. me   C. yourself   D. you

