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Listening to a radio programme in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. Maybe we

  46  the language for several years, and  47  read it, perhaps even write  48  it  49 

listening and understanding the spoken language is  50  . Some  51  are clever and quick to learn language.  52  must study for a long time. Everyone however, can develop his or her listening skills(技能) with practice.

We are good  53  in our own language  54   we have had years of practice. We have heard it all before. We understand the grammer(语法) and the words. We  55   understand the culture (文化)of our language. We can understand, even if we don’t listen carefully.

46. A  have studied       B  are studying      C  will study        D  study

47. A  be able to         B  are able to       C  will be able to    D  could

48. A  with            B  by             C  in             D  for

49. A  And             B  Or             C  Then           D  But

50. A  not easy          B  easy            C  the same        D  not hard

51. A  ones            B  one            C  people          D  peoples

52. A  Another          B  Other           C  Others          D  The Other

53. A  readers          B  writers          C  listeners         D  singers

54. A  since            B  because         C  so             D  for

55. A  also             B  either           C  none           D  only


45.Take your time,     you’ll make another mistake.

   A  then            B  and            C  if             D  or


44.Be careful when     the street.

   A  to cross          B  cross           C  you cross        D  you’ll cross


43.     are useful animals.

   A  Cow            B  Pig            C  Panda          D  Sheep


42.I find     interesting to play games with children.

   A  that             B  how            C  what           D  it


41.-Must we move to the next room ?

  -No, you    . You may still live here if you like.

   A  mustn’t          B  don’t           C  don’t have to     D  won’t


40.-Do you know the city of Ningbo well ?

  -Of course I do. I’ve      here for nearly 3 years.

   A  come            B  been           C  arrived          D  got


39.-Football     by the British at the beginning of last century.

   -That’s probably why football is one of     popular games in England.

   A  was invented, the most                B  invented, more

   C  was invented, more                  D  invented, the most


38.-You’d better     work too hard like this.

   -I see. You mean     too hard makes one tired and ill.

   A  not, work         B  don't, working    C  don’t, to work    D  not, working


37.-When shall we go to see him in the hospital ?

   -Oh, I nearly forget. What about this afternoon as soon as we _____our work?

   A  will finish        B  are finished      C  finish           D  are going to

