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A) 辨音(共5小题,计5分)  选出你在句子中所听到的内容。

(  ) 1.A. all         B. or           C. well         D. wall

(  ) 2. A. lose       B. nose         C. close        D. choose

(  ) 3. A. sorry      B. hurry        C. heavy        D. hurried

(  ) 4. A. travel      B. trouble       C. school       D. little

(  ) 5. A. popular    B. colour       C. winner       D. corner


(  ) 6. A. Yes, I have got.            B. Yes, I have.

C. No, I haven’t got.          D. No, I don’t.

(  ) 7. A. Oh, good news.           B. What a pity!

C. Sorry.                    D. Good idea.

(  ) 8. A. I’m so glad.               B. That's easy.

C. It’s mine.                 D. You are welcome.

(  ) 9. A. Yes, Miss Yang.            B. Usually I’m very careful..

C. I’m terribly sorry.          D. I’ve never lost a book before.

 (  )10. A. Yes, I have.             B. Yes, we have done.

C. No, we haven’t.          D. Really? I did mine hours ago.


(  ) 11. A. A pan.    B. A kite.       C. A bike.       D. A hat.

(  ) 12. A. Yes, he will.              B. Yes, he has.

C. No, never.                  D. No, he hasn’t.

(  )13. A. Last month. B. Last Tuesday.    C. Last Monday. D. Next Monday.

(  )14. A. The photos  B. The pens.     C. The books.    D. The pictures.

(  )15. A. He’s teaching English.      B. He’s working on a farm.

C. He’s driving a car.         D. He’s mending a bike.


I was seven  16 . The students were waiting at the gate of No, 1 Machine Factory. The  17  of the factory was telling the rules to the visitors. After half an hour, Uncle Wang came out. The students  18  him to visit the shops. They were very  19  and didn’t touch any of the machines. They learned a lot  20  the visit.


A man wanted to sell his old horse, so he took him to the market. Because the horse was old,

nobody wanted to buy him, but at last a young man stopped in front of him and said, “How old is he ? ” “He is twenty-one years old,” said the old man. “How long have you had him?” “I’ve kept him for nearly nineteen years.” “And what is his name ?” “I don’t know. But I call him Tom.”


Mr. and Mr.Brown lived in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr.

Brown came home from work very late. When his wife and the child were asleep, he opened the front door of his house with the key and came in very quietly.

One night when he was coming home late, he lost his key. So when he reached his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again. Again nothing happened-nobody moved inside the house. Mr.Brown knocked at the bedroom-window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted but she didn’t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a while. He began to speak like a small child, “Mother !” he said, “I want to go to W.C !” He spoke quietly but at once Mrs Brown woke up. He spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.


6.  We had to stay at home because it rained hard.

7.  Maths is more difficult than any other subject.

8.  My house is about fifteen minutes by bike.

9.  Tom is not old enough to dress himself.

10.   The baby stopped crying when the mother came.


1.  W:Could I have a look at the shoes in size 24 ?

  M:Sorry. The shoes in that size have been sold out, but we have some pairs in size 25.

  W:Oh, that’s too large.

  Question:What size shoes does the woman want to see ?

2.  W:Tom, was your friend born in 1985 ?

  M:Yes. He was two  years older than I .

  Question:When was Tom born ?

3.  W:Look at the cloud. What bad weather !

  M:Yes. We haven’t had fine days this week.

  Question:What was the weather like yesterday.

4.  W:Something is wrong with my car. Can you come and help me mend it, Mr. Black ?

M:OK, Shelly. I’m coming.

Question:What’s Shelly doing ?

5.  W:How many students are there in your class ?


  W:All they all Chinese ?

  M:All are Chinese except Tom and Lucy.

  Question:How many foreign students are there in the class ?


   Once there was a farmer . He had a dog of his own. One day he was  91  to his friend’s party. At the party, he met an old friend of his .They  92  seen each other since they finished middle school. So they talked a lot and then had a good  93  of wine (酒) .They drank too much and soon got drunk. After the party when the farmer   94   home, he became  95    drunk that he vomited (吐)what he had eaten. Just then his dog came round and saw this ,saying “ _96  delicious food it will be for me !” With these words, the dog ate up  97   its owner had vomited. After a while, the dog became drunk  98   .Now neither the dog  99   its owner could stand up and  they lay down side by side on the ground and soon both 100  asleep.



80.…I can’t see the words on the wall clearly.

    …Why not put on your g______?


79.The mother thanked the soldiers for s______ her son’s life


78.The number 100,000,000 reads a m______

