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44. You should ____________everything for yourselves.

A. learn to do   B. to learn to do            C. learnt to do       D. learn do


43. How long have you ___________?

A. married      B. be married    C. got married   D. been married


42. Glass can be _________many wonderful things.

A. made into            B. make into        C. making         D. made of


41. Will you please ________the television? I want to watch the fashion show

A. open      B. to open     C. turn on     D. to turn on


40. My sister was made __________into the puddle.

A. to jump    B. jump           C. jumped         D. jumping


39. Her camera ___________the night of Nov. 25.

A. stole in     B. was stolen on   C. was stealed in   D. stole on


38. The man had enough money and he could afford___ the famous car.

A. to buy      B. buying         C. buy            D. bought


37. ---Would you like ______the film?   ---No, I’d rather _______the match.

A. to see…to watch            B. to see…watch 

C. seeing…watching           D. to watch…see


36. ________she can’t see at all, but she can read books ________Braille.

A. X….in      B. Although…with   C. Although…in   D. Though…with


35. The strong wind prevented the builders ______outside.

A. work       B. to work         C. worked         D. working

