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Dear sir,

     Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery and asked for some pieces bread to sell. At that time, I was  1  years old. A young lady was working in your bakery that day. She gave me five pieces of  2  and wished me good luck.

     I took the pieces of bread and went out of your bakery to  3  them. It took me all day, but at last, I sold all the pieces of bread.  4   the end of the day, I had more money  5   before. I was the  6  boy in the world as I walked home that evening.

     The next day, I went to a  7  shop. I paid part of the money  8  a new bike. And then I started my next   9  -as a newspaper delivery boy. Soon I had enough  10   to pay all that I had to pay for the bike, and the bike was  11   . I was so happy.

     Today, I  12   work in the delivery business. I have a lot of trucks which deliver things all over Australia. I live in a beautiful house, but I don’t ride a bike now. Instead, I   13  a large and comfortable car. That’s how I going to my office every day.

I do know  14  that young lady was. But because of the start she gave me, I have become a   15   man. I’d like to thank her very much really.


                                                George Jenkins

1. A. two            B. second           C. twelve             D. twelfth

2. A. chicken         B. meat             C. beef             D. bread

3. A. sell            B. make            C. eat              D. cook

4. A. Into           B. On              C. From            D. At

5. A. though         B. whether           C. than             D. because

6. A. happier         B. happiest          C. poorer           D. poorest

7. A. car            B. bike             C. truck             D. newspaper

8. A. for            B. with             C. by               D. in

9. A. bakery         B. school            C. factory           D. job

10. A. houses        B. offices            C. money           D. time

11. A. yours         B. theirs             C. hers             D. mine

12. A. still           B. never            C. soon             D. yet

13. A. show         B. meet             C. drive             D. return

14. A. whose         B. who             C. why             D. when

15. A. successful      B. careless           C. clean             D. young


10.  The boy was almost ______ to death when he was found.

  A. freezing          B. freeze            C. frozen            D. froze


9.    It is very ______ you to help the old.

  A. wrong of         B. polite of          C. polite for          D. kind for


8.    I found it hard ______ last night.

  A. sleep            B. to sleep           C. asleep            D. slept


7.    He said that he ______ a model plane before 5 o’clock.

  A. makes           B. made            C. has made         D. had made


6.    He doesn’t know ______ put his car.

  A. when to         B. where            C. why he           D. where to


5.    I wonder ______ you are able to be in time for the match.

  A. however         B. whether           C. when            D. what


4.    The hands of the clocks ______ two o’clock.

  A. point to          B. points to          C. points            D. point in


3.    ______ I told him many times, ______ he wouldn’t listen.

  A. /, but            B. Though, but  C. But, though        D. /, though


2.    The teacher said leaves ______ yellow in autumn.

  A. turn             B. turned            C. will turn           D. would turn

