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4. 刘翔和姚明一样闻名全国。

Liu Xiang ____________ Yao Ming all over China.


3. 这架照相机太旧,不能用了。

The camera is __________________.


2. 我今天没有时间去看望他们。明天怎么样?

I have no time to see them today. ___________?


1. 天黑了,你最好回家吧。

It”s dark now. ___________________.




Mr. Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them soon. He 39 that Inez was deaf. She “talked”with others by using sign language. Mr. Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teach 40 students so that they could also “talk”with Inez.

First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to 41 . Other letters, such as C, were easier because the shape (形状)of the hand was the same as the shape of the letter.

The 42 thing they learned was fingerspelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. They 43 with two-letter words such as at and on. Then they spelled 44 words.

Finally, Mr. Klein showed that 45 one sign could be used for a whole word. To make the sign for the word fine, a person spreads out (张开)the fingers on one hand, 46 the thumb (拇指)to the chest (前胸),and moves the hand away from the chest. Signing is not just 47 with the hands. Expressions on the face are also 48 . The students learned to sign a question mark by using expressions on the face.

When Inez first entered the classroom, she looked 49 . But the students signed, “Good morning, Inez.”She gave the class a big smile and signed back, “What a wonderful 50 !”

39. A. hoped B. said C. guessed D. thought

40. A. his B. my C. her D. our

41. A. spell B. check C. remember D. write

42. A. first B. only C. last D. next

43. A. met B. started C. agreed D. helped

44. A. newer B. easier C. longer D. nicer

45. A. never B. perhaps C. still D. just

46. A. joins B. fixes C. touches D. ties

47. A. made B. done C. given D. chosen

48. A. important B. different C. difficult D. strange

49. A. serious B. surprised C. frightened D. nervous

50. A. welcome B. congratulation C. progress D. success


38. Which sign can you probably see in the library?


37. -May I borrow your ruler?

-Certainly. _______.

A. Hold on, please B. It doesn”t matter

C. Here you are D. Not at all

