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24.Ann is so careful that shealways goes over her exercises to____there are no mistakes

A.look for  B.make sure C.find out  D.think about


23.--Do you mind if I sit here?

   -____.It's for Mr Brown.

 A.Not at all     B.Never mind

 C.better not     D.Of couse not


22.--Today or tomorrow?

  -What are you talking about?

  -We are talking about____to give a talk on WTO.

   A.how    B.where   C.when    D.what


21.--The exam was very easy,wasn't it?

   -Yes,but I don't think____could pass it.

  A.somebody   B.anybody  C.nobody  D.everybody


20.Would you please say it____?I still can't follow you.

 A.loudly    B.slowly C.more loudly  D.more slowly


19.If you like the chicken,you may have as____as you can.

 A.much   B.many    C.more    D.little


18.Be careful,Jane.Don't_____your hands dirty.

 A.get    B.keep    C.have    D.let


17.--Excuse me.Could you tell me_____get to the plane?

  - Certainly.Go straight along here.

 A.how can we    B.hwo we can

 C.when can we    D.when we can


16. -What about having a cup of tea?


 A.I want it   B. Help yourself  C. Good idea D .Me, too


15.- What did Mr Jones do before he moved here?

  -He ____a city bus for over twenty-five years.

  A. is driving  B. drove   C. has driven  D. drives

