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127.-Would you like some more rice?


   A.a few     B.few

   C.a little    D.little


126.-Oh,there isn't enough______for us in the lift.

   -It doesn't matter,let'swait for the next.

  A.ground     B.floor

  C.place     D.room


125.-Where is Jack?

   -He's away to spend his holiday.He's gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan,but I'm not sure______.

  A.that    B.which

  C.where    D.there


124.-Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

   -_____,It hasn't rained for a whole month!It's too dry.

   A.I hope to

   B.I hope not

   C.I'm sure it will

   D.I'm afraid it will


123.-Excuse me.What did you say would like to do,Miss White?

   -I said I'd better go back to the office.I______someone this afternoon.

   A.would meet


   C.am going to meet

   D.was meeting


122.-Who's going to give us a talk at the meeting?

   -_____,I guess.

   A.Mr King does

   B.Mr King is

   C.That's Mr King

   D.It's Mr king


121.-Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon.   -Yes.Every students_____about it.

   A.tells    B.told

   C.was told  D.has told


120.-Waht a pity!It's raining again.I'm afraid we can't go boating bomorrow.

   -Don't worry.It won't____long.

   A.drop    B.last

   C.rain    D.go


119.The smile on the teacher's face showed that she was_______with us.

  A.strict    B.pleased

  C.angry    D.sorry


118.-Hi,Lin Tao.I didn't seeyou at the party.

   -Oh,I______ready for themaths exam.

 A.am getting  B.was getting

 C.got      D.have got

