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82.How are you now/Are you better now



  (Lin Tao is a student from Beijing. He was ill last night. He hurried to a hospital this morning. Now he is at the doctor’s.)

   Lin Tao: Good morning, Doctor.

   Doctor: 16. __________. What’s wrong with you, young man?

   Lin Tao: I’ve got a headache and a cough, I’m afraid I’ll be dead.

   Doctor: Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious. Have you taken temperature?

   Lin Tao: 17. ________. But I haven’t got a fever(发烧)

   Doctor: 18. __________?

   Lin Tao: Ever since last night.

   Doctor: Let me look over you. 19. ____________and say “Ahh”. Oh, it’s nothing serious. Just a cold. Take this medicine three times a day and drink more water. You’ll be better soon.

   Lin Tao: 20. __________, Doctor.

Doctor: You’re welcome.



   A:Hello,may I speak to Bruce,please?

   B:                        (76).I’ll see if he is in.

   (A few minutes later)

   C:Hello!Bruce here.

   A:Hello, Bruce! This is Bill speaking.It’s Sunday tomorrow.

     What are you going to do?

   C:           (77).Do you have any ideas?

   A:I hear many old inventions will be shown in the science museum tomorrow.


  C:Good idea.             (79)?

   A:Let’s meet outside the school gate at half past eight in the morning.

   C:How shall we go there?

   A:          (80).

   C:Sorry,my bike is broken.Let’s go by bus,OK?

   A:All right.See you!

   C:See you


Cai = Cai Ming    Lin = Lin Tao  Wang = Wang Qiang

Cai: Hi,  Iin Tao!  Where  71   you just now?

Lin: I was watching  the  200 -metre  72  on the playground.

Cai: Who won?

Lin: Wang Qiang,  of course. He always runs the  73  of all.

Cai: What  74  Chen Dong? He is good at running, too. Iin: Oh,  I hear he fell and   75  his leg when he was jumping.

Cai: Oh!  76  luck! Shall we go and  77  him?

Lin: All right. Look!  Wang Qiang is coming.

Cai: (shaking hands with Wang Qiang) Well done! 

Wang Qiang. 78! Wang: Oh,  thank you very much. I am lucky today. Where is Chen Dong,  do you know?

Lin: He  79  at home because he had his leg hurt.

Wang: I am  80  to hear that. Well,  I must go for a rest now. See you.

Lin & Cai: See you.



66.一What's the pen used for?



   一His ruler is yellow.


   一It is cloudy today.


   一It's hard to say.I like many kinds of animals,for example,dogs,cats,rabbits and monkeys.


   -Sorry,I'm free every day except this Sunday.


A:Excuse me,sir? Where is the nearest hotel?

B.--____71_______.You may ask that policeman over there.

A:Thank you all the same.

   (The man goes to the policeman)

A:Excuse me.  72  ?

C:No,there isn’t a hotel near here,but there is one near the Bank of China.


C:lt’s  about two kilometres away.

A:   74   ?

C:You’d better take a taxi,because it’s so late,there aren’t any buses now.

A:   75     .

C:You’re welcome.



Dialogue 1.

A: Good afternoon.  71  ?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a camera.

A: We have many different kinds of cameras here. The one   72   Japan looks nice.

B:   73  ?

A: It’s 3818 yuan.

B: Oh, that’s too expensive. Can it be  74  ?

A: No. It’s a digital camera and it can offer the most.

B:   75   though it’s expensive. Here’s the money. Bye!

Dialogue 2.

A: Good morning, doctor.

B: Good morning!   76  ?

A: I have a pain in my head.

B: Did you have breakfast?

A: No,   77   anything this morning.

B: Have you   78  ?

A: yes, but it seems to be all right.

B:  79   have you been like this?

A: Ever since two days ago.

B: I see. Let me check you.

A:  80  , doctor?

B: No, nothing serious. I’ll give you an injection.

A: Oh, no. I   81   take medicine rather than get an injection.

B: OK. Take this medicine  82   a day after morning and evening meals.

  Stay in bed for 2 days and you’ll  83   soon.

B: Oh, no. We’ll have a football match tomorrow. If we  84   the match, we each will get an electric English-Chinese dictionary.

A: If you don’t go,   85  . But health is more important than the wealth(财富).


Mrs.Green doesn 't feel well. She goes to see a doctor. Now she is at the Information Desk.

 NURSE:  Have you registered (挂号) yet?

 MRS. GREEN: No, 71     .

 NURSE:   Do you know a doctor here?

 MRS. GREEN: Yes, I'm here to see Dr.Black.

 NURSE:   72     ?

 MRS. GREEN: I'm Cindy Green.

 NURSE:   Here's your patient's card (病志).

    Dr.Black is at Clinic (诊室) No. 3.

 MRS. GREEN: Mm, 73     ?

 NURSE:   Well ... walk ahead (前) and 74     .

    It's the second room on your right.

 MRS. GREEN: Thanks. (A few minutes later)

 Dr. BLACK: Hello, you're Cindy Green, right?

    Well, Mrs.Green, 75     ?

 MRS. GREEN: I had a headache and a cough this morning.

 Dr. BLACK: 76     ?

 MRS. GREEN: I'm feeling even worse. 77      this morning.It was 39℃.

 Dr. BLACK: 78      and say"Ah..." 79     .

     It's just a cold,take the medicine and drink more water, stay in bed

     for two days. I think you will get better soon.

 MRS. GREEN: 80     , Dr.Black.


A: Hello?

B: Hello, may I speak to Wu Dong, please?

A: Sorry, he’s not in. 90.                   _________

B: This is Li Ping. I’m Wu Dong’s friend.

A: Oh, he has gone to see the doctor.

B: 91.                  

A: He’s got a fever and a bad headache.

B: 92.                     

A: Thank you.


A) Who taught you how to play?

p) About three or four.

C) Congratulations!

D) Which is your favourite tennis club?

E) How long have you played tennis?

F) I want to be a professional tennis player when I’m older.

G) Here at the tennis club?

Reporter: ___l00___You just won the first prize in the State Tennis Competition.

Michael: Thank you.

Reporter: Michael, how old are you?

Michael: Seven.

Reporter: Seven! ___l01___

Michael: Since I was three.

Reporter: ___l02___

Michael: My father. And I take private lessons, too.

Reporter: ___l03___

Michael: Yes, I’ve taken lessons here for two years.

Reporter: How many days a week do you play?

Michael: ___l04___ I want to practise every day, but my parents say three or four days is enough.

Reporter: Are you going to continue with your tennis?

Michael: Uh-huh ___l05___

Reporter: Wish you greater success!

Michael: Thank you.

