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78. Shall we go and have a look?/Shall we go to visit it?-/Would you like to go with me?/Why not go (there)and have a look


77. Nothing much./I have no idea.


78. Congratulations  79. is(was/stays/stayed)  80. sorry


75. hurt(broke)  76. Bad  77. see(visit)


   67.What co1o(u)r is his ruler?/Whose ruler is yellow?/What is yellow?/What's the colo(u)r of his ruler?    

   68.What’s the weather like(today)?/How’s the weather(today)?    。

   69。Which(What)animal(s)do you like best(most)?/What is(are)your favorite

   animal ?

   70.Are you free this Sunday?/Do you have time this Sunday?   

71.(I’m sorry)I don't know./(I,m sorry)I,ve no idea./(I’m sorry)I'm new here.

   72.Is there a hotel near here(nearby)?

   73.How far is it(the hotel)from here?/How far is it from there to here?

   74.How can I get(arrive,reach)there?/How can I get to/arrive at/reach the hotel?

   75.Thank you(very much)./Thanks(a lot)./Many thanks.


 71. I haven't/I'm new here/ this is/it's the first time I come here / this is/ it's my first time (to come) here / I've come / I come here for the first time

 72. What's your name (, please)/ Your name (, please)/ May/Can I know/have your name/ Could you tell me your name/ Could you tell me what your name is

 73. where is Clinic No.3/how can I get to/ arrive at/reach Clinic No.3/which is the way to Clinic No.3/which way is to Clinic No.3/where is it

 can/could you tell/show me where Clinic No.3 is

 can/could you tell/show me how I can get to/arrive at/reach Clinic No.3

 can/could you tell/show me how to get to /arrive at/ reach Clinic No.3

 can/could you tell/show me which is the way to Clinic No.3/ which way is to Clinic No.3

 would you please tell/show me where Clinic No.3 is

 would you please tell/show me how I can get to/arrive at/reach Clinic No.3

 would you please tell /show me how to get to Clinic /arrive at/ reach Clinic No.3

 would you please tell /show me which is the way to Clinic No.3 /which way is to Clinic No.3

 74. turn left at the second turning /turn/ crossing/

 take the second turning /turn/ crossing on the left

 75. what's wrong with you/what's the matter /trouble with you

 what's your trouble/ what'up

 76. How are you feeling (now)  77.1 took my temperature  78. Open your mouth

 79. Nothing serious/There is nothing serious/There isn't anything serious/It's nothing serious

 There is nothing much wrong (with you)/Nothing much wrong/Don't worry

 80. Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot)/Many thanks


92. (I’m ) Sorry to hear that. He must stay at home and have a good rest.

  (I’m ) Sorry to hear that. I hope he’ll be OK/ all right soon.

  (I’m ) Sorry to hear that. I’ll go to see him this afternoon.


91. What’s his trouble?  What’s wrong /the matter/ the trouble ( with him)?

  Is there anything wrong with him?


10. I hope he’ll be all right soon/He’ll get better soon

三  100-105 CEAGBF


9. I’m sorry to hear that/ Sorry to hear that

