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A:Excuse me,Madam,could you tell me ⑴  to get to the Children’s Hospital?

B:Sorry,I ⑵ .I’m new here.Please ask that man.

A:Excuse me,sir,could you tell me the  ⑶  to the Children’s Hospital?

C:Go along this street until you  ⑷  the second traffic lights. ⑸  right.At the end of

the street you’ll see the  ⑹ .

A:Can I  ⑺  a bus?

C:Sorry!There’s  ⑻  bus to go there. ⑼  ⑽  call a taxi.

A:OK!Thank you very much.

C:That’s all right.


Mary:   Hello,may I speak to Ann,please?

Mrs Read: Certainly. ⑴ on for a moment.Ann,you’re wanted on the phone.Be quick!

Ann:    Hello,this is Ann speaking.Is ⑵  Mary? Mother told me you had called me.I’m sorry I was out when you rang.

Mary:   It ⑶  matter.What was wrong with you?

Ann:    I  ⑷  a bad cold.

Mary:   Are you better now?

Ann:    Much better,Thanks.Maybe I can go to school  ⑸ .

Mary:   Please don’t!You  ⑹  stay in bed and have a good rest.

Ann:    You’re right.But I’m  ⑺  about my lessons.I don’t feel like  ⑻  behind others.

Mary:   You’ll miss some lessons  ⑼  you can catch up with us soon.I can help you,too.

Ann:    It’s very  ⑽  of you.Thanks a lot.

Mary:   That’s all right.



⒂  can  ⒃  the Chinese people  ⒄  ⒅  their country.



⑿  your time.We have already finished  ⒀  ⒁  of the work.



⑻  ⑼ ,this is one of the best  ⑽ I have  ⑾  heard.



The book is  ⑸  on the shelf.You can’t  ⑹  ⑺ .



⑷ these words,he left the room in a hurry.



The boy is  ⑴ young to get  ⑵ . ⑶ his parents help him.


5.Lisa has gone to France.Bob has gone to France,too.

(13)  Lisa  (14) Bob  (15)  gone to France.

a is a country.It has a long history.

China is a country (16) a long history.


4.The meeting ended two hours ago.

The meeting  (9)  (10)  (11)  (12) two hours.


3.It takes me about 20 minutes to get to my house on foot.

It’s about 20  (7)  (8)  to get to my house.

