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95.  The_______(第八) lesson is about Li Lida, a 12-year-old schoolboy.



94.  Playing computer_______ (游戏) is great fun.



A: Summer holiday is coming.   84

B.  Yes. I'm going to my hometown.

A:   85

B; For about a month.    86

A j I want to travel to Hainan Island. It's a beautiful place of interest.

B:  87   But I have to visit my grandparents in my home­town.

A: It doesn't matter.  If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you'll have enough time to go travelling.

B:  88 Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.

A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back.

B: That 's a deal! Thank you.


38. Please help Jack read the instructions of the medicine and tell him the right information.

A.  Jack shouldn't ride a bike or drive his car alter he takes the medicine.

B.  Jack should take the medicine twice a day, 3 pills each time.

C.  Jack can take the medicine as often a$ he likes.

D.  Jack can drive his car after he takes the medicine.


37. - What is your brother like?

A. He is a doctor          B. He studies hard    

C. He likes basketball         D. He is tall and strong 


35. - Did you go to Li Lei's birthday party?

-  No, I________.

A.  don't invite  B.  haven't invited   C.  am not invited   D.  wasn't invited 36.-________?

-  Delicious.  I enjoyed it very much.

A. What' s your favourite food     B.  How do you like the food

C.  How do you cook the food       D.  Would you like some more food

