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32.  The smile on my father's face showed that he was________ with me.

A. pleased     B. sad        C. angry        D. sorry


31.  Would you like________swimming with me?

A. go       B,  going      C. to go     D. goes


30.  -Let's go to Binhu Park,   shall we?

-Great!  I hear it's a wonderful place.

A. It's right.       B. Good idea.     C. Very big.   D. I don't know.

II. *l^, ^)


29.  My grandfather has lots of stories to tell us.

A. much     B. few       C. a lot     D. many


27.  I like living in Changde very much.

A. want      B. wish       C. enjoy     D. think

• 28. We reached the bus station at eight this morning.

A. arrived at       B. went to      C. left for       D. hurried to


26.  There are over forty students in our class.

A. less than       B. more than    C. nearly    D. about




Ⅱ.单项选择(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分1 5分)










1-6   ACBBAD  7-12   BBACBC   13-18   BACBCD

19. visit   20.  felt   21.  serious   22.  fatter   23.  less

24.  exercise   25.  running

26-30 CDBDC  31-35 ADDDB  36-40 CDBDC

41-45 BCCBA  46-50 DDCAC  51-55 ABDCB

56-60 DACBA  61-65 DACCB  66-70 ADBBC

71-75 DCBBC   76.  Finish,  please   77.  Neither,  has

78.  so,  that   79.  How,  often   80.  never,  seen   81. fortieth

82.  used to   83.  thankful   84.  collecting   85.  Russians

86. don't mind   87. angrily     

88.  knocked at   89. later on   90.  diving




1.1 received a letter yesterday.

2. Teachers’ Day is on September 10th.

3. " I meant nothing. " She said seriously.

4. Meimei walks to school every day.

5. How many sheep have you got?

6. He wants to go there very much.

B)反应  根据你昕到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话或回答问题。

7. What can I do for you?

8. How soon will they be back home?

9. Our class won the football game at last. 10.I’m a doctor.  How about you?

11. Shall I get some chalk for you?

12. Let me introduce myself.  My name is Albert.

C)短文理解  根据所听到的短文内容以及文后所提的问题,选出能回答每一个问题的最佳答案。

All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are good for peo­ple’s health. Many people like to watch others. They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets to watch.

Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside. Sometimes they play outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting and people everywhere like them. Football is very popu­lar in the world. People from different countries can not understand each other,  but after a game they often become very friendly to each other.


13. What do people all over the world enjoy?

14. Why do people do sports?

15. People play different  games in different  seasons, don't they?

16. Where do people play games?

17. Which sport is the most popular in the world accord­ing to the passage?

18. How will people become after a game?


One day Mrs White went to visit her doctor. She said she often felt tired. The doctor looked over her carefully and said there was nothing serious. He told her she was a little fatter and she needed to eat less food and do more exercise. Mrs White believed what the doctor said and kept on running every day.  Now she is much better.


90. She enjoys______(潜水).  What about you?


89.  The weather  will  get warmer  _______  _____(稍后)

