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87.  Jack does his homework every day.  (改为否定句)

Jack  there  ② his homework every day.


86.  There are some books on the table.  (改为一般疑问句)

   there ②    books on the table?




A. I'll take it.
B.  Here you are.
C.  I don't like it.
D. Can I help you?
E.  How much is it?
F. What do you want?
G. What: size do you want?

A:  Good morning,  sir.     71

B:  I'd like to buy a white shirt.  Do you have any white shirts?

A;  Yes.     72

B;  I want Size M.

A:  Here you are.

B:  Can I try it on?

A:  Sure.  Is it all right?

B:  Yes.  I like it very much.   73

A:  296 yuan.

B:  That's a bit expensive.  Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one.

A:  What about this one? It's only 108 yuan.

B:  OK.    74    Here is the money.

A;   75    Goodbye,  sir.



Without air nothing can live.   Although we cannot see it,  there is  76 around us.  So air is  77   and it gives life to every living thing. Without it all living things will  78  .

Bad air makes people ill. We must have fresh air to keep us 79 . In the city,  there are a great many people and there are 80 running on the roads. The gas (气体) that cars give out is full of dirty things. Every day we breathe (呼吸 ) in the 81 gas again and again. This makes us become ill. So people should go outdoors as much as they can.

Besides so many cars,  82 . From the factories,  we can see the smoke is usually 83 or grey in color. This kind of smoke 84 our health. This is because there are many small harmful things and gases in the smoke. So 85 ,  we must go out to the country to breathe more fresh air. Or we can go up hills to get more fresh air.

A.  air     G. everywhere
B.  die      H. too many cars
C. red     I. in good health
D. black     J. is dangerous to
E.  waste     K. if we want to keep healthy
F.  somewhere   L. there are many factories,  too




Americans think much about time. From childhood (童年) they learn to value (珍视) time. As children they are taught to be on time to go to school,  to work and to do everything. When they are having a good time,  they say that time goes easily.  When a person is dying,   they say he is living on a borrowed time.

Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time,  he also works hard for more money. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly see a man walking slowly.  They walk very fast.  In fact,  they are running.

They love  time  because  time  can  bring  them  money  and  lots  of  things.

68.  What do the Americans mean by "Time is money"?

A. If someone has time and works hard,   he can make a lot of money.

B.  They spend a lot of time making money.

C.  Working hard can bring people health.

D. It is easy to make money.

69.  From this passage we can be sure that________.

A.  Americans are good at having a good time.

B.  Americans live in a quick rhythm (节奏)

C.  Americans always work late

D.  Americans live a hard life

70.  Which of the following is the best title (标题)?

A. Time is Money      B. Learn to Use Time

C. How to Value Time     D. Americans’ Ideas About Time



Here is a menu for a fast food restaurant. The prices are in American money,  called dollars and cents.  There are 100 cents in a dollar.

Main meals
Coca cola
1. O0
Hamburger with cheese
2. O0
Orange juice
O. 90
Chicken burger
2. 40
O. 70
Vegetable burger
2. 30
Side dishes
O. 90
Ice cream, or chocolate
1. O0
Apple pie (hot)
Chicken wings
Donuts or jam
O. 50

65.  From the menu,  how much does a small hamburger cost?

A. Eighty cents.      B. Two dollars and thirty cents.

C. One hundred and eighty dollars.      D. One dollar and eighty cents.

66.  If you have only three dollars,  what can you buy?

A. A large salad and a large ice cream.

B. A large chicken burger and a small cup of tea.

C. A small vegetable burger and a large chocolate.

D. An apple pie and a large hamburger with cheese.

67.  Which is not sold in this restaurant?

A. Coffee.     B. Fries.      C. Hamburger.   D. Wine.



Mr. Smith gave his wife some money for her birthday. The day after her birthday Mrs. Smith went shopping. She got on a bus and sat down next to an old lady.  After a while she noticed that the old lady's bag was open.  Inside it,

she found a wad (ft) of money exactly like the one her husband had given her. She quickly looked into her own bag-the money was gone. Mrs. Smith was now sure that the old lady sitting next to her must have stolen it. She thought she would not have to call the police as she didn't like getting people into trouble. So she decided to take back the money from the lady's handbag and say nothing about it. She looked around the bus to make sure nobody was watching. Then she carefully put her hand into the old lady's handbag,  took out the money and put it into her own bag.

When she got home that evening,  she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. "How did you pay for it?" he asked. "With the money you gave to me for my birthday,  of course. " "Oh,  .what's that then?" he asked,  as he pointed ( 指向) the money on the table.

62.  When did Mrs.  Smith go shopping?

A. During her birthday.      B. After her birthday.

C. After she bought the hat.      D. Before her birthday.

63.  On the bus Mrs.  Smith found________.

A. she had left her money home     B. the old lady stealing her money

C. her money gone     D. the old lady wearing a beautiful hat

64.  In the end Mrs.  Smith found she had________.

A.  lost her money

B. made a serious mistake

C.  been lucky enough on the day

D. greatly improved herself in something


45.  There is________knocking at the door.  Go and see who it is.

A. nobody     B. somebody     C. anybody      D. everybody


44.  You________ stop when the traffic light is red.

A. can      B. can't      C. needn't      D. must


43.  My pen is lost,   can I use________?

A. yours      B. mine      C. him      D. her

