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19. She prefers to buy a new car ____ repair a used one.

A. rather than     B. more than       C. better than   D. other than


18. ---- May I use your MP3?

---- Sorry, I ________ it at home yesterday.

A. forgot     B. have forgotten   C. left     D. have left


17. Sandy took my eraser away and I want to ____.

A. take it out    B. throw it away   C. get it back   D. write it down


从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

16.---- ______shall we meet next time?

---- On May Day.

A. Where     B. What     C. How     D. When 



Film Information
First show
Time On show
Ticket price

11. A. Love Story    B. Cold Mountain      C. Love in France

12. A. a love story    B. a children story     C. an animal story

13. A. this afternoon   B. tomorrow morning    C. tomorrow afternoon

14. A. half a week    B. from November 5 to 10  C. from November 5 to 12

15. A.¥50       B.¥25          C. ¥5



6. What is Jim going to do tonight?

A. Go to the cinema.     B. Watch TV.    C. Go to a concert.

7. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a classroom      B. In a hospital.    C. In a clothes shop.

8. Where’s the girl’s father going?

A. To Beijing.        B. To Tianjin.     C. To Beijing and Tianjin.

9. What does the lady now eat for breakfast?

A. Dumplings.       B. Bread and milk.   C. Bread only.

10. Why can’t Li Lei go out to play games?

A. Because he’s ill.       B. Because he has to work in the garden.   C. Because he has to look after his father.



1) Where's the dog?

2) What does Jack have?

3) What are they talking about?

4) What does the man want to buy?

5) What's the time?


   Mr Smith是某中学的外籍英语教师。有一天,他带他的学生外出活动,在一处加油站的入口处看见一块警示牌(如下面照片所示)。MrSmith先要求他们谈论一下这块警示牌,然后要求他们把自己谈论的话用简单的英语写下来。假如你也参加了这次活动,请你把你谈论的话写下来。 

You know, this is a gas station._____________________________


l.C   2. A   3.C   4. B   5. A   6. B   7. A   8. B   9.. C   10. C   11. A . 12. A   13. B   14. A   15. C   16. B   17. B   18. C   19. A   20. D

21. C   22. B   23. D   24. D   25. B   26. B   27. A   28. D   29. C   30. A   31. B 32, D   33. C   34. C   35. A   36. D   37. G   38. B   39. D   40. A   41. C   42. A 43. A   44. B   45. D   46. C   47. D   48. A   49. B   50. D   51. C   52. A   53. D '54. C   55. C   56. after   57. really   58. but   59. however   60. eating   61. begun 62. later   63. down   64. They   65. groups   66. more   67. better   68. and   69. are 70. monthly   71. see-seen   72. teacher-teachers   73. √   74. it-they   75. get-get in   76. or-and   77. What- What's( What is)   78. make-making   79. sent- send   80. think of-think


You know, this is a gas station. When the drivers come here , they must know some dos and some don'ts because it is a dangerous place.

First of all, the sign tells us that smoking is not allowed at the station. Next, we must shut off our mobile phones and never toot a horn. In order to keep the station clean and tidy, we shouldn't spit on the ground and littering should be stopped. What' s more , we should drive carefully and slowly in the station.



Cell phones can be see almost everywhere in         71.__________

school now. Many teacher say that we students       72.__________

should not use cell phones at school. But I think           73.__________

it should be allowed to use at school because           74.__________

we want to get touch with our parents. Cell           75.__________

phones can be used almost anywhere or at any       76.__________

time. What more, cell phones can be great fun,        77._________

too. Besides make phone calls, we can also play       78.__________

games and sent text messages to our friends by        79.__________

cell phone. Don't you think of they are necessary?      80.__________



after, eat, begin, down, later, however, group, good, and, month, be, many, they, but, real

The United States is known for its fast food. A lot of people don't have the time to shop and cook and clean up 56 a meal. Today, fast food is 57 cheap, which makes it even more attractive. And it is everywhere-not only in the United States 58 around the world. Now, 59 , there is a group of people who would like to see us stop 60   so much fast food. These people belong to the Slow Food Movement.

The Slow Food Movement started in Italy in 1986. It was 61 by Carlo Petrini, a food critic who 62 owned a restaurant. He and his friends wanted to encourage more people to slow 63 and learn to prepare and enjoy good food again. 64   began by meeting in small 65__ to organize dinners and wine tastings. They also began to encour­age 66 local farmers to go back to the old ways of growing food and caring for farm animals. They felt that food that was raised carefully tas­ted   67.

This small Italian group grew, 68 in 1989 the International Slow Food Movement was born in Paris. Today there 69 78 000 members in 100 countries. There is also a 70 magazine, printed in six languages, including Japanese.

