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35. Dad, the phone is ringing. I guess either you or Mum     on the phone.

  A. is wanted     B. are wanted    C. wants     D. want


34. -Shall I turn down the radio, Jan? It’s a little loud.

  -           . 

  A. No, you won’t            B. Don’t do that

  C. No, please don’t            D. Yes, please don’t


33.-Must we put up a sign by the riverside?

  -       . It’s very dangerous here.

  A. Yes, you must       B. No, you mustn’t     C. Yes, you can  D. No, you needn’t


32. When I was a child, my grandmother often     me funny stories.

  A. spoke         B. told          C. said             D. talked


31. Could you please tell me how soon              ?

  A. is your brother back from Britain     B. your brother is back from Britain

  C. will your brother be back from Britain   D. your brother will be back from Britain


30. It gets very     here in summer.

  A. cool          B. cold          C. warm         D. hot


29. Some physics problems in this book are _______difficult for the students ______ work out.

  A. so; that        B. not; but       C. such; that     D. too; to


28. I asked Lily for      paper, but she didn’t have    .

  A. any; some      B. any; any       C. some; any      D. some; some

