
 0  237477  237485  237491  237495  237501  237503  237507  237513  237515  237521  237527  237531  237533  237537  237543  237545  237551  237555  237557  237561  237563  237567  237569  237571  237572  237573  237575  237576  237577  237579  237581  237585  237587  237591  237593  237597  237603  237605  237611  237615  237617  237621  237627  237633  237635  237641  237645  237647  237653  237657  237663  237671  447348 

36. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are world-famous sports stars. ____ of them have set a good example to us.

A) All     B) Neither      C) Both   D) None


35. I’ve read ______ sports news about the F1 race today.

A) two    B) pieces  C) two pieces   D) two pieces of


34. Tim’s mum is worried  ______ her son’s eyesight as he plays online games too much.

A) for     B) about  C) with        D) of


33. There is ______ report in today’s newspaper. It’s about the International Film Festival, Shanghai.

A) a      B) an     C) the     D) /


32. When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed ________ and got some first-hand information.

A) he     B) him    C) his     D) himself


31. A tsunami (海啸) happened in some southern Asian countries _____ December, 2004.

A) at      B) on     C) in D) by


Police Report
Date:      (25)       /  13     /    2005
Month      Day       Year
Witness( 目击者 ):   Mr & Mrs   (26 )   and their neighbour
Address:   No.18  /    (27)     Street / Los Angles / California / LOS 10001 Number      Street        City     State     Zip code
Lost Property(失物):  a      (28)       ,  a safe,  a TV,  a computer
Colour of the Van:     (29)
Number of the Van:     DCW   (30)

Paper 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二卷 词汇和语法) 


19.Peter is making a suggestion to a restaurant on the phone.

20.Peter received a phone call while having dinner there last Friday.

21.The woman at the next table was angry because her son had

used her money.

22-The woman talked loudly on the mobile phone  (手机) for ten minutes.

23.Peter was eager to know other customers’problems.

24.The woman's mobile phone call made Peter and his wife upset.


13.A. Bread.     B. Pizza.       C. Noodles.      D. Dumplings.

14.A. Canada.     B.France.    C.Singapore.     D. New Zealand.

15.A. 5.       B. 15.     C. 20.     D. 25.

16.A. In the bookstore.     B. In the reading-room.

C. In the chemistry lab.      D. In the computer room.

17.A. Nurse and patient.       B. Classmates.

C. Teacher and student.      D. Doctors.

18.A. He disliked his old flat.     B. He hated the noise.

C. He wanted to give more parties.   D. He wanted to have a dog.


7.A. I agree with you.      B. I'm glad to hear that.

C. You‘re welcome.      D. Thank you all the same.

8.A. She's good-looking.       B. She studies hard.

C. She's fourteen years old.     D. She lives at the school.

9.A. She's OK.     B. Yes,  you're right.

C. My name is May.      D. Sorry,  she's out.

10.A. It's a pleasure.      B. Fine,  thank you.

C. See you later.      D. Nice to meet you.

11.A. That's all right.      B. The same to you.

C. That's great.       D. It's a good idea.

12.A. Yes,  let's.     B. Of course not.

C. No,  I don't.       D. It's hard to say.

