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16. Mr Brown likes buying  _____.

A. clocks    .        B. stamps   C. clothes

17. Mr Brown has got ________clocks now.

A. 3 000   B. 300      C. 350

18. Does Mrs Brown have the same hobby as Mr Brown?

A. No,  she doesn't   B. Yes,  she does      C. We don't know

19. Which of the following is right? ________.

A. Mr Brown cleans the clocks every day

B. Mr Brown repairs the clocks every day

C. The clocks are cleaned by Mrs Brown every day

20. What's Mrs Brown's trouble? ________.

A. She can't do the cleaning well

B. She doesn't know the exact time at all

C. The clocks make noise only at night,  so she can't sleep well



11. A. She lost her maths books.  B. She looked happy.  C. She didn't pass her maths exam.

12. A. It's cloudy.       B. It's rainy.     C. It's windy.

13. A. America.     B. England.       C. Germany.

14. A. Twelve.      B. Fifteen.       C. Nine.

15. A. She wanted to move the man's bag.   B. She wanted to know the time.

C. She wanted to take a seat.


1. A. Yes,  that's it.      B. Sure,  you are here.     C. Sorry,  I'm using it.

2. A. Jack is going to climb the hill this afternoon.

B. That's a good idea..       C. Good luck to you.

3. A. I am sorry to hear that,  is it serious?

B.  He plays basketball so well.

C. Why not?

4. A. Internet can help us a lot. B. Twice a week.      C. Not often.

5. A. Because I missed the bus. B. Because I got up very early. C. Because I can't drive.








15. Why did Kate have more fun in the evening?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Here's some information about our trip to Loch Ness tomorrow. It's a long journey, about three hours, so we have to start early. That means we'll have breakfast at half past seven. The bus has to leave at half past eight. When you finish breakfast, go to the parking lot to get on the bus. It's behind the hotel. Re­member to bring your pink tickets for lunch. We'll have lunch at a restaurant near Lock Ness and you must have your pink ticket or you won't get any lunch! If you haven't got a pink ticket yet, you can get one from the office.

Oh, one more thing,  I know it's summer but it can get quite cold in the

mountains even in July, so bring a jacket with you.  You'll need one in the eve­ning.

All right? I'll see you tomorrow morning.


14. When did Kate study for a maths test?


13. Whom did Frank go to the beach and play soccer with?


12. What did Frank do on Saturday?


11. What are they talking about?


11. Kate; Hi, Frank. Frank: Hello, Kate.

Kate: So, how was your weekend?

Frank: Saturday wasn't so great.  I visited relatives all day. Kate: What a drag. Frank; Yeah, but Sunday was great. Kate: Really? What did you do?

Frank: Well, in the morning,  I played tennis with my brother. In the after­noon, I went to the beach with my family and then played soccer.

Kate: Great.

Frank: Yeah, it was a nice day.  Then in the evening I went to the movies with

my friends.  How about you, Kate? Kate: Well, my Sunday wasn't as exciting as yours.  In the morning I cleaned

my room.

Frank: That doesn't sound like fun.

Kate: It wasn't.  Then in the afternoon, I studied for a maths test. Frank: What a drag!

Kate: Yeah.  But the evening was more fun. Frank: How come? Kate: We had a party at my house. Questions;


10. M: Is that the electricity bill? W: No, it's the water bill. M: Is it very big?

W : Not as bad as last time.

M: Oh, good.

Q: Which bill has just arrived?-

