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There was a military camp(军营) in a quiet village far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains 41 . Of course it was a good place for training(训练) the new soldiers. But it was difficult for the young men 42 . Mr White,  an officer of forty,  was  43   them and he   44   let them,  leave the camp.

One day Mr White was ill in bed,  and couldn't work. A young officer,  Mr Hunt,  came to train the new soldiers 45 him. He knew the young men well and allowed nine soldiers to go to the nearest town to have a holiday. 46 night fell and none came back to the camp. He was worried and it was five to twelve,  Mr Hunt decided to go to the town to see 47 them. He 48 the car quickly and set off. At the moment the nine soldiers came back. It 49   they were all drunk. Of course,  they found the officer angry.

"I'm sorry,  sir. "said the first soldier, "I left the town 50 . But something was wrong with my bus. I had to buy a horse and made it run fast. Bad luck! It 51 and I had to run back to the camp. "The other seven soldiers said they were late 52 the same reason. It was the 53 soldier's turn. He said,  "I'm sorry,  sir. I got on the bus on time,  but"-"

Hearing this,  the officer became   54  and called out,  " If you say something was wrong with your bus, I'll punish you at once. ""No, no, sir. My bus was all right, but the dead 55   were in its way(挡路). "

41. A. away       B. around    C. near      D. inside

42. A. to go outside     B. to go to school

C. to go swimming       D. to write to their friends

43. A. friendly to   B. strict in     C. strict with       D. pleased with

44. A. happily      B. hardly      C. immediately      D. always

45. A. in place of       B. in need of C. with the help of     D. instead of

46. A. When     .  B. But        C. Since       D. Though

47. A. what was wrong to    B. what was happened with C. what was happening to      D. what the matter was with

48. A. drove       B. opened     C. began      D, started

49. A. seemed      B. looked      C. was said    D. cleared

50. A. late    B. on time     C. on foot     D. by boat

51. A. ran away    B. was stolen       C. died       D. was tired

52. A. as      B. for    C. of     D. with

53. A. second      B. nine       C. ninth       D. eighth

54. A. even angrier    B. much angry     C. very angrier      D. more angrily

55. A. buses       B. horses      C. officers     D. soldiers


40. Inside a box there are six smaller boxes, and inside each small box are six much smaller boxes. How many boxes altogether? ________.

A. Thirty-six   B. Thirty-seven     C. Forty-three      D. Forty-two


39. To protect environment(保护环境)is________to take care of our  lives.

A. important       B. as important as

C. more important       D. the most important


38. -Do you like his talk?

-No. He________much but I________nothing.

A. said, heard      B. spoke, listened    C. talked, hear     D. said, listened to


37. -Is the maths problem difficult?

-Yes.________few students worked________.

A. Only, out it     B. Too,  out it

C. Quite a,  it out       D. Very,  it out


36. -You forgot________the door.

-Oh,  ________. I'll go and close it,

A. closing,  so did I      B. to close,  so I did

C. closing,  nor did I     D. to close,  neither did I


35. -I didn't know this was a one-way street, officer.

A. That's all right.      B. I don't believe you.

C. How dare you say that?     D. Sorry,  but that's no excuse.


34. -You look rather tired. ______ stop to have a rest?

-All right.

A. Why not    B. How about     C. Why not to      D. Why don't


33. Please show me the watch that you want________.

A. it repaired      B. to have repaired

C. to have it repaired     D. to repair it


32.------________I come back before 11 : 00?

-No,  you________. But you_________ be back later than lunch-time.

A. Must,  needn't,  can't      B. Can,  can't,  may

C. Need,  mustn't,  must      D.May,  needn't,  can't

