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35. --Where can we go into the museum?

   --Haven't you seen the sign ________there?



34. Our teacher asked me________

   A. what was Ann doing these days

   B. why Peter didn't come to school yesterday

   C. when will the dolphin show begin

   D. how long I usually spend on my homework


33. In recent years, many children are made ______what they are not

   A. to do; interested in          B. to do; interested

   C. do; interested            D. do; interested in


32. ---It's bright enough in the classroom, I think. You shouldn't keep the lights on.

   --Sorry, I'll ___________now.

   A. take them away           B. put them down

C. take them down           D. turn them off


31. --Wow, what a cool bike! How long have you _________it?

   - -Two weeks.

   A. bought      B. got      C. had       D. chosen


30. We were very sad and angry to hear that the bad milk powder(劣质奶粉) __________ the   deaths of over 30 babies.

   A. made       B. put      C. caused      D. gave


29. --Mum, I've got an "A" in the English exam today!

   --Great! And you are sure to win a second time because this is a good_______

   A. report       B. result     C. start       D. skill

