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10.(   ) I think the watch is _______ of all.

   A. nice          B. the much nicer

   C. very nicest     D. the nicest


9.(   ) Neither Li Ping _____ I am going to see the film.

   A. nor          B. or

   C. but          D. so


8.(   ) You must be careful when you go _______ the street.

   A. around           B. through

   C. across        D. into


7.(   ) They can teach _______ how to use a computer.

   A. theirs     B. they      C. their      D. themselves


6.(   ) I love singers ______ write their own music.

   A. who      B. whose     C. which     D. where


5.(   ) He has three ________ under the bed.

   A. pair of shoe           B. pairs of shoe

   C. pairs of shoes       D. shoes


4.(   ) The battery-operated slippers are used for _____ in the dark.

   A. seeing        B. see

   C. saw          D. sees


3.(   ) The car _____ invented in 1885.

   A. is        B. were      C. had been      D. was


2.(   ) By the time I got outside, the bus ______ already _____.

   A. had-left      B. have-left     C. left       D. leaves


1.(   ) Rosa _______ music that has great lyrics.

   A. prefer        B. prefers

   C. preferring      D. preferring

