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19. -Where are Lucy and Lily?

-Oh , the two girls________ a game in the garden now.

A. play        B. are playing      C. played     D. have played


18. -Would you like some milk?

-Yes, just________.

A. a few       B. a little     C. few       D. little


17.I have to speak to my grandma in a loud voice. There's something wrong with her

A. mouth       B. nose      C. eyes        D. ears



16. Mingming doesn't like music, but he likes         music of Mice Love Rice.

A. a          B.an         C. the      D. 不填



听下面一段较长的对话,回答第1l,1 2两小题。

11.. Why will Mary have a party?

A. Because tomorrow is Saturday.

B. Because tomorrow is her birthday.

C. Because tomorrow is Chidren's Day.

12. What time is the party?

A. At 6: 00.    B. At 6:15.        C. At 6 : 30.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13-1 5三小题。

13. What are they going to do this afternoon?

A. Go skating.                    B. Have a picnic.

C. Watch TV. 14. Where will they meet?

A. In the classroom                 B. On the playground

C. At the school gate. L5. Who will go with them?

A. Ann and Jim.                   B. Betty and Rose.

C. Kate and Mike. # 10 #)




6. Where is Jim from?

  A. England.    B. Canada.     C. Australia.

7. What's the weather like?

  A. Windg.     B. Rainy.       C. Cloudy.

8. How much a month does the woman have to pay for the house?

  A. 150 yuan.   B. 250 yuan.    C. 350 yuan.

9. Where are they talking?

  A. At a bus stop.           B. In a supermarket.

  C. In a library.

10. What does the boy's mother do?

   A. She's an engineer.         B. She's a teacher.

   C.  She's  a doctor.



1. What is Li Gang’s favourite?

2. What is the girl looking for?

3. Which of these animals is giving a show?

4. What does the man ask the woman for?

5. How can the girl .get to the bookshop?


100.Need he come a little earlier?

  Yes, he (  ).

A.    can  B. must  C. need  D. needn’t


99.There is (  ) W in the word  woman ,and (  ) M is the third letter of the word.

A.    a; an  B. an; /  C. an; the  D .a; the


98.We can’t buy (  ) much mutton with (  ) little money.

A.    so, much  B. such, so  C. so, so  D. such, such

