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27. - What’s the weather going to be like next week?

- It’s going to be ________.

A. wet B. dark C. long D far


26. - __________?

- Quite well, thank you.

A. What do you do B. What do you think of it.

C. How are you getting on with your English D. Are you good at English


25. - We never know _______he is.

- They say he is a doctor.

A. whom B. what C. which D. where


24. - Oh, I’ve left my schoolbag in the classroom.

- Don’t worry, I’ll ___it for you.

A. get B. carry C. bring D. take


23. - Could you look after y daughter for me while I’m away?

- ___________.

A. Yes, here you are B. You’re welcome C. Yes, please D. With pleasure


22. - How are you feeling now?

- ________.

A. Very interesting B. Much better C. Never mind D. Thank you very much.


21. -Who washed the plates on the table?

- Jenny ________.

A. did B. was C. had D. would


I. 回答问题从A、B、C三个答案中选出一个所你所听到的问题相应的答案。

1. A. At home. B. Very late. C. It was delicious.

2. A. Wood, I think. B. It’s cheap but useful. C. A factory in Wuhan.

3. A. It’s nice B. About I thousand yuan. C. On June 8th.

4. A. I think so. B. With Class Two. C. Bill will.

5. A. In the classroom. B. After class was over. C. It was about the sports meeting. II. 单句理解 从A、B、C、三个答案中找出一个与你所听到的句子意义相近的答案。

6. A. They are very good friends.

B. They work very well.

C. They will go together.

7. A. John can’t speak English at all.

B. John can’t speak English well.

C. John wants to learn to speak English.

8. A. Nobody told Jack and Jane the story yesterday.

B. They told the story yesterday.

C. Someone told them the story yesterday.

9. A. John and Ann like watching TV.

B. An likes watching TV with John.

C. John likes watching. TV but Ann doesn’t .

10. A. Jack’s father had no ticket to see the film.

B. Jack’s father didn’t want him to go to the cinema.

C. Jack’s father went to the film with him.

III. 对话理解 从A、B、C三个答案中,选出一个与你所听到的一段对话内容相符的问题的答案。

11. A. Newspapers. B. The People’s Park. C. A big fire.

12. A. He wants the woman to stay. B. He wants to hear from the woman. C. He wants to write about the woman.

13. A. no, only the woman did. B. Yes, they did. C. No, neither of them did.

14. A. 110 minutes. B. 120 minutes. C. 130 minutes.

15. A. It won’t be finished. B. it’s not been finished. C. It’ s ready.

IV. 短文理解从A、B、C 三个答案中选出一个与你所听到的短文内容相符的答案。

16. In many countries some farmers live in ______________.

A. towns B. the mountains C. the schools

17. American farmers don’t have to go from a village to the fields because they ____________.

A. are not busy B. just live on their fields C. have no neighbours around.

18. Some children will walk to school because___________.

A. they like to B. their parents are poor farmers C. no buses can reach their homes   19. American farmers go to the nearest town to _________.

A. buy things B. stay for two nights C. sell their tomatoes

20. American farmers stay on their farms for__________.

A. four days B. seven days C. two days.


 One day little Tom didn’t want to go to school because there was a wonderful football game on TV in the morning.  He wanted to tell his parents that he was badly ill, but they were both out.  He though hard.  Then he had an idea.  He telephoned his teacher and said, “Hello!

Is that the teacher speaking?  My son Tom caught a bad cold yesterday evening.  Now he is

Feeling terrible.  I’m sorry to say he can’t go to school today.  He asked me to tell you about it.”

The teacher at the other end of the telephone asked , “Yes , But who’s that ,please?”

“It’s my father , sir.” Answered Tom quickly.


6.M. What day is it today?

 W: Er… today is Wednesday. Oh,no, I’m wrong. Yesterday was Wednesday.

 Q: What day is it today?

7. W: Excuse me. Where is David, please?

  M: He is in Room 105. His brother is in his next room.

 Q: Where’s David’s brother?

8.M: Lily, you must finish your homework. It’s nine o’clock.

  W: Oh, I finished it an hour ago.

 Q: When did Lily finish her homework?

9. M: May I use your mobile phone, Kate? Mine is broken.

  W: Sure. Mine is new. Please use it carefully, Mike.

 Q: What’s Mike’s mobile phone like?

10. M: Hello, you’re riding so fast. Where are you going?

  W: I’m going to the Moon Lake to see a friend. Oh, the traffic lights are red again.

 Q: What will the woman do?


(A). W: Mr Saki, you speak excellent English.   

M: Thank you.

   W: Where did you learn it?         

M: Mainly in Japan.

   W: Have you ever been to any English-speaking countries?

   M: Yes. I’ve been to the United States for a short visit to have a meeting.

   W: It’s really surprising that you learnt English so well.

   M: Thank you. But we have a lot of good teachers from English-speaking countries, such as Britain, Canada and Australia.   


(B).M: What shall we do today? The weather is not very good.   

W: I feel like going to a museum. It’s too wet to go around the city.

   M: I agree. Which museum would you like to visit?

   W: What about the Natural History Museum? I hear it’s free.

M: I’d like to the Science Museum. There’ll be a show this month. It’s about space and satellites.

W: I’d like to see that , too. I’m planning to do a study of satellites next term. Maybe I can find some useful information.

M: Fine! Why don’t you get your things ready?

W: OK.

