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28. I am _______ duty this week.

A. in B. at C. on D. for


27. _______ shall we meet?"

Tomorrow afternoon. "

A. What B. Where C. How D. When


26. This is _______ ruler.

A. my B. mine C. I D. me


21. I love my parents.

A. father B. mother  C. father and mother

22. “Good morning, class.”

“Good morning, Mi Gao.”

A. Class One B. students C. classroom

23. My clock doesn't work.

A. is broken B. is slow  C. is fast

24. The boy is good at skating.

A. can't skate B. skates well  C. is skating

25. The twins often hear from Ann.

A. talk to B. listen to C. get letters from


16. A. July 1. B. July 4. C. July 14.

17. A. One. B. Three. C. Six.

18. A. On the playground. B. At the picnic table. C. In the middle of the road.

19. Because she _______.

A. had no money B. couldn't walk C. was an old friend of David's

20. A. Busy. B. Kind. C. Bad.

第 II卷 笔试 (选择题60分)


10. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car.

11. A. Tom. B. Mr White. C. Mi Brown.

12. A. She wants to have a rest.  B. She's tired. C. She's ill.

13. A. Climb hills.  B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping.

14. A. Mr Black is free. B. Mr Black is out.  C. Mr Black is busy.

15. Because he _______.

A. is speaking too fast

B. is speaking too slowly

C. doesn't know what to say


5. A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you, too. C. How are you?

6. A. I'm from Japan.  B. I'm reading in the room. C. I'm at school.

7. A. That's right. B. Thank you. C. I'm very glad.

8. A. Yes, I'd love to. B. Sorry, I can't. C. I want some apples.

9. A. It's about 8∶00. B. It's a nice day. C. It's windy.


wrong, change, sure, good, had, matter,

right, tell, know, left, hope, drink

A. Hello, Harris.

B. Hi, Bob.

A. You don't look quite (71)________.

B. Nothing has gone (72) ________for me today.

A. What was the (73) ________?

B. I don't (74) ________. It just isn't my day.

A. Please (75) ________me what has come to you.

B. My car broke down on the way to work. I (76) _______my papers home. And…

A. Well.. I've (77) ________one of those days, too. I'm (78) ________things will get better by themselves.

B. I (79) _______so.

A. Now let's do something for a (80) _______.

B. Good idea.

