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--No thanks.I'm trying to take off a couple of pounds.

A.Do you need help?      B.I could carry that for you.

C.Care for some dessert?     D.These cakes are just right.


6.--Will you be able to finish the{ob t11iS week?

--___________,but I'm not skilled enough,you know.

A.I can’t say so         B.I expect so

C.I’m sure so          D.I don’t know so


  每个人都有自己的理想,你的梦想是什么?你打算如何实现你的梦想?请以My dreall 为题,用英语写一篇不少于80词短文。


84.        85.         


80.        81         82.        83.         



 Mr Brown was a famous boxer ( 拳击手). One day he  76  (come ) to a restaurant to dinner. He took off his coat and hung is on the wall . But he was afraicl someone 77 (will)take it away. So he took out a piece of paper and  78( write ) on it , “ The  fa-mous boxer  79  (leave )his coat here . He 80 ( come ) back in a few ninutes .” Then he  81  (put ) the paper on his coat and went to have his dinner . A young man saw it and took the coat away while Mr Brown  82  (drink) When he returned , his coat was not there and he  83  (find ) only another piece of paper . I t  84  (say ) , “ A famous runner has taken your coat away . He  85   (not come ) back any longer ! ”

76.        77.        78.         79.         

