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29.----Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

  ----Yes.I’ve never been to ___________ one before.

 A. a more exciting         B. the most excited

 C. a more excited         D. the most exciting


28.Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are ____________.

 A. him and her    B. his and her   C. his and hers    D. him and hers


27.“You can’t have this football back _______ you promise not to kick it at my cat again.”thw old man said angrily.

 A. because     B. since      C. when      D. until


26.----Is John coming by train?

  ----He should , but he _______ not. He likes driving his car.

 A. must      B. can      C. may     D. need


25.----When will you come to see me, Dad?

  -----I will go to see you when you ________ the training course.

 A. finished     B. finish     C. are finishing    D. will finish


24.We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _____ one this month.

 A. the other     B. some      C. another     D. other


23.----Millie, could you give me some advice? I don’t know _________.

  ----Why don’t you wear this red shirt?

 A. when to wear   B. what to wear   C. how to wear   D. where to wear


22.It was a great day but we did not enjoy it _________ the beginning.

 A. on       B. for      C. with      D. at


21.----Mr Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don’t forget it!

 ----OK, I _________.

 A. won’t      B. don’t     C. will      D. do



20.----I knocked over my tea cup.It went right over _______ keyboard.

  ----You shouldn’t put drinks near _________ computer.

 A. the, /      B. the, a     C. a, /      D. a, a

