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Open your dictionary on any page. At the top of       71_______________

the page you will see two words printing in heavy      72_______________

type. These known as guide words. The one on the      73_______________

left-hand side of the page told you what the first       74_______________

word on that page is. The one on the right-hand side of    75_______________

tells you that the last word on that page is. So        76_______________

if you are looking at a word in the dictionary, you      77_______________

first look at the guide words at the head of the pages.     78_______________

Then you will be able to tell if or not the word        79_______________

you wanted is on the page you are looking at.        80_______________


 Tape script and keys:



for,  tell,  ask,  as,  have,  learn,  and,  use,  do,   enjoy,  lose,  quiet,  watch,   friend,  interesting

When my friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time  _56_  us that they

are in a hurry and looking at their  _57__ . It is not that our friends are all very busy, it is just that we  _58_  got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evenings?” We  _59_  by some people. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have a lot of things to do. We certainly don’t spend our evenings looking at the walls. My wife _ 60__  cooking and painting. She often goes to evening classes  _61_  foreign languages. This is very  __62  as we always go to foreign countries  _63_  our holidays. I like stamps and I am always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to music and playing cards together.

   Sometimes there are power cuts  _64_  we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us as we just light candles and carry on with what we  _65_  before. Our friends are  __66_  no television! So they don’t know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full  __67_  they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting  _68_  in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games. Yes, life is possible without television! I think our life is  _69_  than our  _70_ .


Pagoda Street is a street like many others---not very clean, not very wide, __26__wide enough for two buses__27__. But it is a__28__street all the same, particularly during rush hours (高峰时间) . People come and go, __29__to work. When a bus comes, the__30__at the bus-stop__31__to rush and push to get__32__. There are a lot of__33__, buses, trucks, bicycles and__34__tractors. The place is noisy and dusty, and the noise of the tractors is deafening. But it is not so__35__when the rush hour is__36__. Old people come out to sit__37__the door-steps and have a smoke and talk. Housewives go shopping__38__bags or baskets on their arms. When friends meet, they__39__to exchange (交换) a few words of greeting. There are also children playing ball games. They don’t__40__the dust or the passing cars. It certainly is not a good place for ball games. But where else can they play?

26. A. also     B. even      C. and       D. just

27. A. to pass    B. passing     C. to drive     D. driving

28. A. famous    B. useful     C. busy      D. free

29. A. coming    B. going     C. hurrying    D. running

30. A. class     B. family     C. group      D. crowd

31. A. decides    B. starts      C. hesitates    D. wants

32. A. off      B. on       C. out      D. over

33. A. ships     B. trains      C. cars      D. carriages

34. A. even     B. still      C. already     D. yet

35. A. bad      B. good      C. dirty      D. safe

36. A. back     B. away      C. over      D. here

37. A. to      B. over      C. in       D. on

38. A. with     B. without     C. having      D. and

39. A. hope     B. learn      C. refuse     D. stop

40. A. know     B. mind      C. look at     D. like


25. ---What a day! It’s raining again. I’m afraid we can’t go boating tomorrow.

  ---Don’t worry. It won’t ______ long.  A. drop   B. last   C. rain   D. go


24. This kind of work ______ by hand, but now it is done by electricity.

  A. get used to doing  B. used to be done  C. was used to doing  D. used to do it


23. I was not told ______.

  A. what should be done if it would rain    B. he had seen the film long before

  C. it rained before long          D. if it rained what should we do


22. He may be watching TV. He ______ be working in front of the computer.

  A. can’t       B. may not     C. mustn’t     D. needn’t

