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15. ---Isn’t Jim back yet?

  ---No, but I think he __________ in half an hour.

  A. returned    B. will return   C. has returned   D. returns


14. ---Hello! Is that John speaking?

  ---Sorry, this is Henry. John _______ supper.

  A. cooks     B. cooked    C. is cooking    D. has cooked


13. ---Do you know Tom very well?

  ---Yes, he and I _________friends since we met in Beijing last year.

  A. have become  B. become    C. have been   D. are


12. ---Can you tell me ________ it is from here to your school?

  ---Yes, it’s fifteen minutes by bus.

  A. how much   B. how long    C. how far    D. how soon


11. --- Is there anything _______ I can do for you?   ---No, thanks.

   A. when     B. who      C. which     D. that


10.It’s getting dark. Please _______ the light.

A. turn off     B. turn on      C. turn down    D. turn up


9. ---What are people supposed ________ when they meet in your country, Li Lei?

  ---In China we shake hands.

A. to do     B. does      C. doing     D. did


8. ---Jack is good at sports. How about Tony?

---Tony is __________, I think. He has got more prizes than Jack.

  A. well     B. best      C. good       D. better

